View Full Version : Forget Waldo, where's George???

06-04-2014, 02:19 PM
Anyone seen George??? :shock: Should a BOLO be put out :?: :?: Right now it's harder to find GG than it is to find MK at a Depo.

06-04-2014, 06:15 PM
GG recieved a few letters from me a couple of months back. This letters laid out the corruption between AA and AR. He still has not responded so I would say dont hold your breath.

06-04-2014, 06:45 PM
FINALLY!!! This is the million dollar question!! GG has been sipping the Koolaid from MK and AA for far too long. They have him believing that it is only a few Officers that are done with the BULLIES. The hostile work environment of a corrupt IA and a lunatic Captain have to stop. GG you will soon see that it is not a few.

Doc Justice you are welcome on this site. Hold on son...

06-04-2014, 07:36 PM
Just for info, GG is on three week vacation. I feel sorry for The assistant city manager. GG was gone when the first article broke.

06-04-2014, 09:17 PM
FINALLY!!! This is the million dollar question!! GG has been sipping the Koolaid from MK and AA for far too long. They have him believing that it is only a few Officers that are done with the BULLIES. The hostile work environment of a corrupt IA and a lunatic Captain have to stop. GG you will soon see that it is not a few.

Doc Justice you are welcome on this site. Hold on son...

Thanks for the support. They think that they can intimidate me or wear me out. Perseverance is my middle name. Nothing short of death will stop me from bringing my evidence and story forward.

I would like to give a sincere thank you to the good cops. Me and other citizens stand with you and support you. I may be one of the few who will do it publicly, but thats only due to their fear of retaliation. However be sure they speak and speak often with other citizens and not one non law enforcement person I have spoke with thinks the chief is not dirty.

Stay safe and God bless my prayers are with you.

06-04-2014, 09:28 PM
Ok. So because GG is on vacation, is the corruption supposed to remain unaddressed??? Maybe it's because GG signed off on the QUEEN OF HEARTS becoming a captain. He's partially responsible for the damage she's inflicted on her victims...

06-05-2014, 07:18 AM
FINALLY!!! This is the million dollar question!! GG has been sipping the Koolaid from MK and AA for far too long. They have him believing that it is only a few Officers that are done with the BULLIES. The hostile work environment of a corrupt IA and a lunatic Captain have to stop. GG you will soon see that it is not a few.

Doc Justice you are welcome on this site. Hold on son...

Google the name, you will learn a lot!!!!!!!!

07-22-2014, 03:50 PM
GG recieved a few letters from me a couple of months back. This letters laid out the corruption between AA and AR. He still has not responded so I would say dont hold your breath.

Well it appears through public records that GG did ask Rolle about the letters I sent. It does not appear him or AA were candid in their responses about these letters.

I have sent him 49 pages of analysis. Plus a 21 pages timeline. Then added about 25 attachments including audio recording showing Murguido is a lying POS. Think im lying file a public records request for the email sent to GG and Porter yesterday at approximately 3:40 am. I am Dr. James Eric McDonough 11/29/1977 sent from phd2b05@gmail.com There were five emails. It had to be broken up because of all the attachments. That should be specific enough so you can get it if you want it.

Murguido even had his son lie to the investigator. Did Murguido think I would allow it to be his word against mine? I have enough recordings to legally bury many people. I can only hope they committ perjury the way Murguido already has.

My new mission and hobby in life is to expose every dirty cop I can in South Florida. Fortunately thse guys are dumb enough to give you everything you need to hang them with in a court of law.

Anyone who would like to hear my recording with Murguido and his sworn statements in conflict just email me and ill send them out. There are already about 200 people who have copies. His lies will not go unchallenged. My email is phd2b05@gmail.com I am also happy to provide other documentation. Might save the many recordings as impeachment exhibits though. These guys picked a fight with and tried to falsely destroy the wrong person. I am never violent, but I will not stop until these criminals are exposed for who and what they truly are.

Also AA appears to be trying his hand at creative fiction writing. Keep on lying and you'll see what I mean. Doubt you'll be makingit on those trips around the world with your hair burning gay lover. Sorry you shouldnt have been so corrupt. I cant beleive you have destroyed your career to protect Murguido. Either there is something bigger going on they dont want exposed, or Murguido has dirt on somebody. No one goes that far protecting the guilty for nothing.

I literally had to write 49 pages to point out the problem in 7 pages of IA summary. I dont talk smack I have evidence to back it up.

To the good and noble few, please hang in there. Know that my battle is not with you. When this storm is over we need you to help keep our community safe. I am praying for you safety and that you come out OK. To the dirty ones I pray that your actions may be exposed for the whole world to see.

Stay safe and God bless.