View Full Version : Fire Police Officer for Attacking Unarmed 14-Year-Old

05-29-2014, 08:19 PM

Fire Police Officer for Attacking Unarmed 14-Year-Old

Posted by Olivia Oliva

Target: Bill de Blasio, Mayor of New York City

Goal: Investigate and punish officers who attacked 14-year-old Javier Payne, who was unarmed at the time.

Fourteen year old Javier Payne is still recovering in a hospital bed from an apparently unprovoked attack by police. According to witnesses, while leaving a local hookah shop police stopped Payne to question him about an altercation he allegedly had with another man on the street. Officers insist he began speaking disrespectfully to them, at which point the young Bronx resident says they pushed him through a glass window.

According to a New York Police Department (NYPD) spokesperson, Payne and another pre-teen were both arrested around 11 pm on the night of the incident. Both were charged with assault, obstructing governmental administration and resisting arrest. The spokesperson could not confirm whether or not Payne had been thrown through a window; he simply claimed such events had been left out of the report.

When paramedics arrived Payne’s lungs were full of blood, his face bruised, his clothes blood-soaked and his hands handcuffed behind his back. Although Payne was dying in front of them witnesses described the officers involved as being “nonchalant” about the boy’s serious condition. Paramedics said they had to hold his chest wound closed while they removed his handcuffs (which police initially refused to allow them to do). The paramedics were late in arriving at the scene because officers failed to advise them of the pediatric emergency; they instead used protocols normally reserved for drunk or intoxicated citizens.

Though the NYPD claims to be doing an internal investigation, it is statistically shown that such investigations seldom result in convictions, arrests, or even suspensions for aggressive officers. Outside pressure is needed to improve accountability within the police department, and that pressure can only come from above. Demand that New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio address ongoing police violence, and call for an independent investigation into this terrible incident.


Dear Mayor de Blasio,

Young Bronx resident Javier Payne had to have shards of glass removed from his lungs after the vicious attack he received walking home on May 17th. His attackers, officers of the NYPD, pushed him through a glass window and handcuffed him while he lay on the ground dying. They did not alert paramedics to the severity of his injuries, but instead treated the situation with the same protocol they would a drunk. When paramedics finally did arrive they had to argue with officers to remove the handcuffs from Payne’s body so they could treat his injuries. By the time the officers relented Payne was loosing blood quickly and struggling to breathe. His life could have easily be taken that night.

Although the NYPD has offered to do an internal investigation, time has shown that the department is not in a fit position to regulate itself. The safety of New York children–especially black male children–depends largely on your ability to prevent police violence. It is your duty to remove violent and incompetent officers from the force. Failure to do so will result in continued brutality against youth who may need guidance, but certainly not violence.

I am asking you to complete a serious investigation into accusations of violence at the hands of the NYPD. I hope that Javier Payne and his family can find justice and peace through your decision to pursue a more thorough investigation into the officers that attacked him.

05-29-2014, 10:06 PM
When I read things like the subject of this thread, I begin to get concerned. Police work, often a thankless job, is not something everyone is cut out for. Many, and perhaps most, could not perform the functions of the job. Throw an environment like New York City into the mix and it gets tougher yet.

The FORCECHANGE.COM website, where I first viewed this story, seems like a respectable site with mostly good content. Unfortunately calling for the firing of police officers involved in this incident without a formal investigation is a very unfair position to be pushing. Everyone is entitled to Due Process, yes, even police officers.

The FORCECHANGE.COM website petition targets New York Mayor Bill de Blasio and New York City police officers including an unidentified sergeant. While the petition itself seems to call for "a serious investigation into accusations of violence at the hands of the NYPD", the title calls for the premature firing of police officers. The article also seems to justify the FORCECHANGE.COM position by saying things like "it is statistically shown that such investigations seldom result in convictions, arrests, or even suspensions for aggressive officers" and they cite that outside pressure is needed to improve accountability within the NYPD. They also call for an independent investigation.

The FORCECHANGE.COM article makes many statements without quoting sources and tells a story about handcuffed defendant Javier Payne dying in blood soaked clothes with his lungs being full of blood while officers were nonchalant and failed to notify paramedics of Payne's serious medical condition. The source of this information was not mentioned which makes me question its validity. The New York Times revealed that Javier Payne was under arrest in the Bronx at the time for Assault on a 49 year old man who refused to give him and a friend cigarettes. From the description of the incident we would have charged Payne with misdemeanor Battery or felony Aggravated Battery in Florida depending on injuries to the 49 year old victim and what was in the backpack (i.e. bricks). Payne also shouted an obscenity at a nearby police sergeant according to The New York Times. Now things seem to have begun spinning out of control and even Reverend Al Sharpton is involved.

As a recently retired police officer with 30 years experience I am not saying we should ignore this incident, but I am saying we should allow the system we have in place to handle it first. The NYPD has Internal Affairs and the Bronx District Attorney's Office to conduct an investigation. If you don't agree with the outcome and want to voice your opposition, I have no problem with that. Starting a petition calling for the premature firing of officers involved in an incident I do have a problem with. What's the difference between that and tainting a jury pool? Hinting at a civilian review board is equally disturbing to me, as they would not have a clue on how to do our job and that's every cop's nightmare. There are accounts out there that Javier Payne broke away and attempted to run away from the unnamed sergeant while he was handcuffed. Every cop knows that there could be a plausible explanation on why the sergeant would have pushed the fleeing violent offender into a fixed structure in order to keep him from getting away and escaping. There is one witness account in The New York Times story saying that the glass window breaking "was like a freak accident" meaning that the sergeant did not intend for that to happen. Let's let nature take its course and cooler heads prevail. I don't know if the Use Of Force was justified, but I expect nothing less than the powers that be to make an appropriate assessment and determination. If they succumb to public pressure and do not afford this sergeant or officers with Due Process or a fair outcome, God help them and God help the officers/sergeant! I'll be watching too...

The New York Times Article

12-22-2014, 08:53 PM

fire police officer for attacking unarmed 14-year-old

posted by olivia oliva

target: Bill de blasio, mayor of new york city

goal: Investigate and punish officers who attacked 14-year-old javier payne, who was unarmed at the time.

Fourteen year old javier payne is still recovering in a hospital bed from an apparently unprovoked attack by police. According to witnesses, while leaving a local hookah shop police stopped payne to question him about an altercation he allegedly had with another man on the street. Officers insist he began speaking disrespectfully to them, at which point the young bronx resident says they pushed him through a glass window.

According to a new york police department (nypd) spokesperson, payne and another pre-teen were both arrested around 11 pm on the night of the incident. Both were charged with assault, obstructing governmental administration and resisting arrest. The spokesperson could not confirm whether or not payne had been thrown through a window; he simply claimed such events had been left out of the report.

When paramedics arrived payne’s lungs were full of blood, his face bruised, his clothes blood-soaked and his hands handcuffed behind his back. Although payne was dying in front of them witnesses described the officers involved as being “nonchalant” about the boy’s serious condition. Paramedics said they had to hold his chest wound closed while they removed his handcuffs (which police initially refused to allow them to do). The paramedics were late in arriving at the scene because officers failed to advise them of the pediatric emergency; they instead used protocols normally reserved for drunk or intoxicated citizens.

Though the nypd claims to be doing an internal investigation, it is statistically shown that such investigations seldom result in convictions, arrests, or even suspensions for aggressive officers. Outside pressure is needed to improve accountability within the police department, and that pressure can only come from above. Demand that new york city mayor bill de blasio address ongoing police violence, and call for an independent investigation into this terrible incident.

Petition letter:

Dear mayor de blasio,

young bronx resident javier payne had to have shards of glass removed from his lungs after the vicious attack he received walking home on may 17th. His attackers, officers of the nypd, pushed him through a glass window and handcuffed him while he lay on the ground dying. They did not alert paramedics to the severity of his injuries, but instead treated the situation with the same protocol they would a drunk. When paramedics finally did arrive they had to argue with officers to remove the handcuffs from payne’s body so they could treat his injuries. By the time the officers relented payne was loosing blood quickly and struggling to breathe. His life could have easily be taken that night.

Although the nypd has offered to do an internal investigation, time has shown that the department is not in a fit position to regulate itself. The safety of new york children–especially black male children–depends largely on your ability to prevent police violence. It is your duty to remove violent and incompetent officers from the force. Failure to do so will result in continued brutality against youth who may need guidance, but certainly not violence.

I am asking you to complete a serious investigation into accusations of violence at the hands of the nypd. I hope that javier payne and his family can find justice and peace through your decision to pursue a more thorough investigation into the officers that attacked him.

he is better off now! Ps........ Go make me a samitch and stfu!! Lmao

12-26-2014, 06:41 PM
he is better off now! Ps........ Go make me a samitch and stfu!! Lmao

How about you stfu!!!and make your mom...,er your sister a samitch....she is probably doin one of your homeies

04-01-2019, 05:27 AM
How about you stfu!!!and make your mom...,er your sister a samitch....she is probably doin one of your homeies
Who gives a rats ass about that little sheet
Bird! Why is there a big fuss over this sodomite who jumped into the window trying to escape?
So sad NY is home to the scum of the earth
And South america..

04-01-2019, 05:59 AM

Fire Police Officer for Attacking Unarmed 14-Year-Old

Posted by Olivia Oliva

Target: Bill de Blasio, Mayor of New York City

Goal: Investigate and punish officers who attacked 14-year-old Javier Payne, who was unarmed at the time.

Fourteen year old Javier Payne is still recovering in a hospital bed from an apparently unprovoked attack by police. According to witnesses, while leaving a local hookah shop police stopped Payne to question him about an altercation he allegedly had with another man on the street. Officers insist he began speaking disrespectfully to them, at which point the young Bronx resident says they pushed him through a glass window.

According to a New York Police Department (NYPD) spokesperson, Payne and another pre-teen were both arrested around 11 pm on the night of the incident. Both were charged with assault, obstructing governmental administration and resisting arrest. The spokesperson could not confirm whether or not Payne had been thrown through a window; he simply claimed such events had been left out of the report.

When paramedics arrived Payne’s lungs were full of blood, his face bruised, his clothes blood-soaked and his hands handcuffed behind his back. Although Payne was dying in front of them witnesses described the officers involved as being “nonchalant” about the boy’s serious condition. Paramedics said they had to hold his chest wound closed while they removed his handcuffs (which police initially refused to allow them to do). The paramedics were late in arriving at the scene because officers failed to advise them of the pediatric emergency; they instead used protocols normally reserved for drunk or intoxicated citizens.

Though the NYPD claims to be doing an internal investigation, it is statistically shown that such investigations seldom result in convictions, arrests, or even suspensions for aggressive officers. Outside pressure is needed to improve accountability within the police department, and that pressure can only come from above. Demand that New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio address ongoing police violence, and call for an independent investigation into this terrible incident.


Dear Mayor de Blasio,

Young Bronx resident Javier Payne had to have shards of glass removed from his lungs after the vicious attack he received walking home on May 17th. His attackers, officers of the NYPD, pushed him through a glass window and handcuffed him while he lay on the ground dying. They did not alert paramedics to the severity of his injuries, but instead treated the situation with the same protocol they would a drunk. When paramedics finally did arrive they had to argue with officers to remove the handcuffs from Payne’s body so they could treat his injuries. By the time the officers relented Payne was loosing blood quickly and struggling to breathe. His life could have easily be taken that night.

Although the NYPD has offered to do an internal investigation, time has shown that the department is not in a fit position to regulate itself. The safety of New York children–especially black male children–depends largely on your ability to prevent police violence. It is your duty to remove violent and incompetent officers from the force. Failure to do so will result in continued brutality against youth who may need guidance, but certainly not violence.

I am asking you to complete a serious investigation into accusations of violence at the hands of the NYPD. I hope that Javier Payne and his family can find justice and peace through your decision to pursue a more thorough investigation into the officers that attacked him.
Hey! I smell bull sheet on this one poncho! Here's an idea that may solve the whole problem Jose, just try this for one week, and see if it helps you.................don't commit a crime stupid!!!!! When you feel like punching your momma or robbing the 7-11, just make yourself a sammich and STFU!