View Full Version : Incident involving DC OFC

01-03-2014, 03:12 PM
So let me get this straight.......

if an officer is involved in seeing the wrong person they are fired.

if an officer is involved in a domestic dispute (involving violence) which occurred within City Limits, the cops respond and he is verbally aggressive with them, a report is generated documenting his actions and he gets a write up.

Can you guess which officer was Hispanic? Not saying its a race (or reverse race) thing. But someone who disrespects the badge and everything it stands for is a disgrace and does not deserve to wear it.

It aggravates me to no end to know that he is a fellow law enforcement officer. It disgusts me that he thinks, wait he knows, he can get away with doing this kind of thing and its no big deal.

You deserve to be embarrassed and ashamed of what you did! No apology can take back what you did. You discredit the whole agency with your actions.

Its time for someone to go back to TTPD, or just leave DC..... or even better turn in your certificate because YOU do not deserve to call yourself a Police Officer!

01-08-2014, 04:32 PM
An unarmed citizen would have been over charged and sent to jail for the same thing.

01-13-2014, 03:01 PM
An unarmed citizen would have been over charged and sent to jail for the same thing. So true.

10-01-2014, 08:16 AM
Just read this thread. Whoever you are, thank you. 532

10-04-2014, 09:40 PM
Truth be told, I think the department is a disgrace and unprofessional as stated in the above post. You all should give up your certifications and just leave. At least the guy your talking about has already done his time and is retired from one agency. If what he did was so bad, call the news media and leak the story. Oh wait, that would show things were covered up and no arrest was made. Waldo was first and Dade City is next.

10-07-2014, 04:25 PM
Look at the officer that had the same girlfriend who caused misery to all. He continues to have problems with women and nothing happens.
How about the sergeants who continue to spread your personal life around for their pleasure.
New and old officers that think they are the only ones to hold a badge. Dade City needs to remember that they are only a small dot in the county.
They have way to many problems for a small department.

10-07-2014, 09:44 PM
The department is a joke. My son had an accident and they listed me as the driver and I was not even there. They can't fill out a simple short form accident report so no wonder they can't get more serious investigations done right. Get rid of the whole department, assign two deputies to handle the small town and save the taxpayers some money.

10-10-2014, 02:54 PM
Ok let the county take it over. You will never see a deputy until the next day and then they tell you it is a civil issue. Dade City PD does a great job for the citizens and the county. Go move in the county jurisdiction and see how your problems are handled.

10-12-2014, 08:52 PM
Your department is a joke. Just look at the fat Dade City Cop you have working at the Pasco High School. That is what you send to represent your department in the eyes of your children. Like I said before, your department is a joke and should be disbanded. Having worked at the S.O. for many years, I am pretty confident that we can do a better than your department. Two deputies will do a better job than your whole department.

10-15-2014, 05:38 PM
Go ahead and let SO take over, the awesome crossover deputies will come to your house and ask you questions that have nothing to do with the complaint. Oh wait, they will need backup on every traffic stop and citixzen contact due to being scared shi-less. At least Dade City PD handles their calls and takes the scum to jail.