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03-27-2013, 02:33 AM
Hey there was this little cuban pos that works for u guys, he goes around saying he was better off at Miami Dade PSA guy. So this dumb ass got hired with u and needs a booster seat to do police work. Haven't seen the little person in a while his uniform looks way to big on him and he really does suck as a psa and possibly a mico cop. Good luck little ofc Gonzalez

03-28-2013, 02:43 AM
Works at sweetwater.

03-30-2013, 07:51 AM
Still sucking ass to get his way at sweetwater. It worked out for him though. He's got what he wants, a full time job. It's funny you mention the PSA thing cause he's said it a few times while hanging out at 107 and 2 at the "all night bullsh*t" cafe in Sweetwater.

More qualified applicants and reserve officers were passed to put him in.