View Full Version : Missing Guns

11-17-2012, 02:09 PM
So, it seems a certain VIN Detective who is a big hunter and gun nut took advantage of a retired major suffering from alzheimers to con him into selling him all his collectors guns at pennies on the dollar. Shameful

11-26-2012, 11:07 PM
IA should look into this and the person should get about 30 days off for conduct unbecoming or abuse of the elderly,nothing like screwing a fellow brother.

What the heck are you talking about? You Hmstd PO's screw over cops all the time. In my experience, Homestead PO's have a great history of 19'ing other City PO's in their takehomes, threaten to arrest them, write them citations, complain to their bosses, dude, what my agency doesn't do to other cops, you guys do to cops all the time. Let's not talk about "not" screwing over a fellow brother! Brother!

11-27-2012, 02:23 AM
Mac, Did you forget the VIN unit is the IA unit? The Mafia IS the henhouse. Come on, REALLY!!!!!!!!!!

12-24-2012, 11:25 AM
I cannot imagine how any person could take advantage of an elderly person suffering from a debilitating disease, much less a person you worked with for decades and still work with his family members. The efforts you took to conceal this from his daughter who you work with is beyond reprehensible. This behavior is no different than a scammer who takes advantage of an elderly person to defraud them out of their life savings. It is criminal and should be investigated. If Chief Rolle ignores this criminal act maybe Carmel Cafiero from Channel 7 will