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09-21-2012, 01:28 AM
I have a few questions and I am wondering if anyone can answer them.

Why is it that all the pictures in the paper of the people that were arrested from the drug raids were black or Hispanic?

It seems odd that 4 white people were stopped with drugs and they were let go and the drugs were disposed of. I wonder why that was not in the paper hell the Sheriff won’t even talk about it, there wasn’t even a report written.

I wonder why there are not any female Deputies on road patrol. Is it because the Sheriff thinks women are only good for one thing.

09-22-2012, 04:24 AM
Yes, women cops are good to make all the money pretending to be cops on the reservation. That's why the Deputies in Glades County are not aloud anywhere near the reservation. Certain people in charge are afraid that their cash COW wives might just loose their jobs if the deputies were aloud to do theirs. Why is it that you only see FHP doing traffic enforcement north of the reservation. Hmmmm!!! So don't blame the Sheriff for everything, oh that's right, I forgot the Sheriff is suppose to be in charge of everything.

09-22-2012, 05:06 AM
maybe some say there might be email been sent from the sheriff to the deputies to dont do trafic on the rez