View Full Version : Occupy

10-15-2011, 03:33 PM
I find it very interesting that police officers and deputies across the country have not figured out that the Occupy groups are fighting for their (law enforcement officers) futures as well as our country's.

If the top 1% continue with their privatization movements and union dissolutions the officers now relishing trashing the Occupy group members will find themselves sitting beside them.

Think it can't happen - think again. In Florida the legislature voted to put 2/3 of the states Department of Corrections under privatization - selling it off in effect to GEO. (A court intervention is in progress but with the courts filled with Republican appointees it may not go well). Law enforcement in Florida (along with all other state employees now must pay 3% pf their pay into the state pension - but not get a penny more in retirement, plus they will no longer receive a COLA on any income earned after 7/1/11. Piece by piece the Republicans are whittling away at law enforcement benefits, upping the # of years they have to work to retirement, limiting over-time as included in pension payouts, etc. And, I didn't even mention the layoffs.

Blackwater, GEO and others in the future would have no qualms about moving into law enforcement just as easily.

So remember next time you drag, hit or fling an Occupy member, your sending your own future down the drain. Think it can't happen open your eyes and see what's happening to law enforcement across this country.