View Full Version : To Buzzkill and All Others

09-17-2011, 01:33 AM
OK ok you all took it as joke before that I might actually be a serious individual with real input somewhere. Well I have had a lot of input with many legislators, and I have been asked by a Florida legislator how to keep medicinal use of cannabis just for medical purposes and prevent abuse. So what I am writing to him may actually be the first draft of Florida's Medical Marijuana ( I prefer the word cannabis, but that aside) Program. So I am asking the professionals of law enforcement and others for any input they may have. So as I asked before:

"If you had a say in how Florida would handle the medicinal use of cannabis what would your advise be to effectively manage it? I am looking for real answers and input for a solution, something for guidelines, law ideas/provisions from people with experience and hopefully insight to the current problem."

Perhaps we can use this forum for positive input to something that may just get on the ballot in 2012 and be implemented the following June, as the House Resolution to be re-introduced lays out.

I have spent the better part of this year in regular contact with the Florida legislation and have convinced a great number of them to consider medicinal use that were totally against it. Now I have the opportunity to have a real input in how the program is set up from the begining. Any constructive ideas or suggestions?


09-18-2011, 01:08 AM
Just shut up already! No one cares so stop posting on this site. The drug will not be made legal!

09-20-2011, 04:52 PM
I am not discussing full legalization, only for medicinal use. And yes, were are very close to getting it passed for medicinal use in Florida as it is in 16 othr states and in Washington DC.

Michigan, California, Washington state and several other are working on total legalization, not Florida. Florida is a part of the U.S. and it makes no sense to have medicinal use in some states and not in other states. State by state it is becoming an accepted medicine. There are many other states also working on allowing medicinal use.

Medicines containing body damaging chemicals should be illegal. Medicines that cause other health issues should be illegal. Medicines that kill people should be illegal.

Every year 1.5 million people are sickened or severely injured by medication mistakes, and 100,000 die.

The fifth deadliest drug is acetaminophen, available one over-the-counter. It can cause irreversible and sometimes fatal liver damage in doses that are not much higher than the effective dose. Roughly 400 deaths and 42,000 hospitalizations occur each year due to acetaminophen overdoses.

86 million people suffer chronic pain. According to the National Institute of Health (NIH) more than 1/3 of Americans suffer a chronic pain condition at some point in their life. In a 1998 guide on directions of pain research by the NIH, and still in today’s economy as noted in a NIH January 2010 document, the economic impact is 100 Billion Dollars a year.

Not one person has ever died from cannabis in the entire history of the plant! Cannabis is a proven anti-inflammaory. Inflammation causes diseases of all sorts.

Lack of cannabinoids - can cause cancer, digestive ailments, migrains, fibromyalgia, just to name a few. We are now generations into cannabinoid deprivation and the health consequences are showing. For example cannabis kills cancer at the cellular level. All cells are programmed to die. When a cell looses that part of it's program, and fails to die, it becomes cancerous. Cannabis in essence re-programs that cell, teaching it to die instead of turning into cancer. Prior to 1937 one third of all medications were cannabis based. We had much less cancer, digestive problems, and Fibromyalgia is basically a fairly new disease. Many scientists are now agreeing that lack of cannabinoids can actually cause many health issues. Inflammation causes a great many diseases and cannabis is an amazing anti-inflammatory.

Alcohol is a factor in the following:
* 73% of all felonies * 73% of child beating cases * 41% of rape cases * 80% of wife battering cases * 72% of stabbings * 83% of homicides.

As my friend points out:
Due to Prohibition, the availability of mind-altering drugs has become so universal and unfettered, that in any city of the civilized world, any one of us would be able to procure practically any drug we wish within an hour.

Throughout history, the prohibition of any mind-altering substance has always exploded usage rates, overcrowded jails, fueled organized crime, created rampant corruption of law-enforcement and whole governments while invariably causing thousands of deaths.

It's not even possible to keep drugs out of prisons, but prohibitionists wish to waste hundreds of billions in a wasted attempt to keep them off our streets.

Prohibition kills more people and ruins more lives than the prohibited drugs have ever done.

America re-legalized drug use in 1933. The drug was alcohol, and the 21st amendment re-legalized its production, distribution and sale. Both alcohol consumption and violent crime dropped immediately as a result, and, very soon after, the American economy climbed out of that same prohibition engendered abyss into which it had previously fallen.

Yes, it is your job to enforce the laws. I understand that. It does not however, mean you have no thoughts of your own on how to handle the control of medicinal use. As professionals in the field of drug law enforcement one would think you of all people would have an insight to controlling medicinal use. Some law enforcement officials have made suggestions in other states.

Forgive me for thinking it might be possible to get law enforcements suggestions in this state. Was just asking. No need to get hostile.

Food for thought, that my friend in the effort asks:
If you are a Prohibitionist then you owe us answers to the following questions:
#1. Why do you rejoice at the fact that we have all been stripped of our 4th amendment rights and are now totally subordinate to a corporatized, despotic government with a heavily armed and corrupt, militarized police force whose often deadly intrusions into our homes and lives are condoned by an equally corrupt and spineless judiciary?
#2. Why do you wish to continue to spend $50 billion a year to prosecute and cage your fellow citizens for choosing drugs which are not more dangerous than those of which you yourself use and approve of such as alcohol and tobacco?
#3. Do you honestly expect the rest of us to look on passively while you waste another trillion dollars on this garbage policy?
#4. Why are your waging war on your own family, friends and neighbors?
#5. Why are you so complacent with the fact that our once ‘free & proud’ nation now has the largest percentage of it’s citizenry incarcerated than any other on the entire planet?
#6. Why are you helping to fuel a budget crisis to the point of closing hospitals, schools and libraries?
#7. Why do you rejoice at wasting precious resources on prohibition related undercover work while rapists and murderers walk free, while additionally, many cases involving murder and rape do not even get taken to trial because law enforcement priorities are subverted by your beloved failed and dangerous policy?
#8. Why are you such a supporter of the ‘prison industrial complex’ to the extent of endangering our own children?
#9. Will you graciously applaud, when due to your own incipient and authoritarian approach, even your own child is caged and raped?
* It is estimated that there are over 300,000 instances of prison rape a year.
* 196,000 are estimated to happen to men in prison.
* 123,000 are estimated to happen to men in county jail.
* 40,000 are estimated to be committed against boys in either adult prisons or while in juvenile facilities or lock ups.
* 5000 women are estimated to be raped in prison.
#10. And will you also applaud when your own child, due to an unnecessary and counter productive felony conviction, can no longer find employment?

03-16-2013, 08:04 PM
I am not discussing full legalization, only for medicinal use. And yes, were are very close to getting it passed for medicinal use in Florida as it is in 16 othr states and in Washington DC.

Michigan, California, Washington state and several other are working on total legalization, not Florida. Florida is a part of the U.S. and it makes no sense to have medicinal use in some states and not in other states. State by state it is becoming an accepted medicine. There are many other states also working on allowing medicinal use.

Medicines containing body damaging chemicals should be illegal. Medicines that cause other health issues should be illegal. Medicines that kill people should be illegal.

Every year 1.5 million people are sickened or severely injured by medication mistakes, and 100,000 die.

The fifth deadliest drug is acetaminophen, available one over-the-counter. It can cause irreversible and sometimes fatal liver damage in doses that are not much higher than the effective dose. Roughly 400 deaths and 42,000 hospitalizations occur each year due to acetaminophen overdoses.

86 million people suffer chronic pain. According to the National Institute of Health (NIH) more than 1/3 of Americans suffer a chronic pain condition at some point in their life. In a 1998 guide on directions of pain research by the NIH, and still in today’s economy as noted in a NIH January 2010 document, the economic impact is 100 Billion Dollars a year.

Not one person has ever died from cannabis in the entire history of the plant! Cannabis is a proven anti-inflammaory. Inflammation causes diseases of all sorts.

Lack of cannabinoids - can cause cancer, digestive ailments, migrains, fibromyalgia, just to name a few. We are now generations into cannabinoid deprivation and the health consequences are showing. For example cannabis kills cancer at the cellular level. All cells are programmed to die. When a cell looses that part of it's program, and fails to die, it becomes cancerous. Cannabis in essence re-programs that cell, teaching it to die instead of turning into cancer. Prior to 1937 one third of all medications were cannabis based. We had much less cancer, digestive problems, and Fibromyalgia is basically a fairly new disease. Many scientists are now agreeing that lack of cannabinoids can actually cause many health issues. Inflammation causes a great many diseases and cannabis is an amazing anti-inflammatory.

Alcohol is a factor in the following:
* 73% of all felonies * 73% of child beating cases * 41% of rape cases * 80% of wife battering cases * 72% of stabbings * 83% of homicides.

As my friend points out:
Due to Prohibition, the availability of mind-altering drugs has become so universal and unfettered, that in any city of the civilized world, any one of us would be able to procure practically any drug we wish within an hour.

Throughout history, the prohibition of any mind-altering substance has always exploded usage rates, overcrowded jails, fueled organized crime, created rampant corruption of law-enforcement and whole governments while invariably causing thousands of deaths.

It's not even possible to keep drugs out of prisons, but prohibitionists wish to waste hundreds of billions in a wasted attempt to keep them off our streets.

Prohibition kills more people and ruins more lives than the prohibited drugs have ever done.

America re-legalized drug use in 1933. The drug was alcohol, and the 21st amendment re-legalized its production, distribution and sale. Both alcohol consumption and violent crime dropped immediately as a result, and, very soon after, the American economy climbed out of that same prohibition engendered abyss into which it had previously fallen.

Yes, it is your job to enforce the laws. I understand that. It does not however, mean you have no thoughts of your own on how to handle the control of medicinal use. As professionals in the field of drug law enforcement one would think you of all people would have an insight to controlling medicinal use. Some law enforcement officials have made suggestions in other states.

Forgive me for thinking it might be possible to get law enforcements suggestions in this state. Was just asking. No need to get hostile.

Food for thought, that my friend in the effort asks:
If you are a Prohibitionist then you owe us answers to the following questions:
#1. Why do you rejoice at the fact that we have all been stripped of our 4th amendment rights and are now totally subordinate to a corporatized, despotic government with a heavily armed and corrupt, militarized police force whose often deadly intrusions into our homes and lives are condoned by an equally corrupt and spineless judiciary?
#2. Why do you wish to continue to spend $50 billion a year to prosecute and cage your fellow citizens for choosing drugs which are not more dangerous than those of which you yourself use and approve of such as alcohol and tobacco?
#3. Do you honestly expect the rest of us to look on passively while you waste another trillion dollars on this garbage policy?
#4. Why are your waging war on your own family, friends and neighbors?
#5. Why are you so complacent with the fact that our once ‘free & proud’ nation now has the largest percentage of it’s citizenry incarcerated than any other on the entire planet?
#6. Why are you helping to fuel a budget crisis to the point of closing hospitals, schools and libraries?
#7. Why do you rejoice at wasting precious resources on prohibition related undercover work while rapists and murderers walk free, while additionally, many cases involving murder and rape do not even get taken to trial because law enforcement priorities are subverted by your beloved failed and dangerous policy?
#8. Why are you such a supporter of the ‘prison industrial complex’ to the extent of endangering our own children?
#9. Will you graciously applaud, when due to your own incipient and authoritarian approach, even your own child is caged and raped?
* It is estimated that there are over 300,000 instances of prison rape a year.
* 196,000 are estimated to happen to men in prison.
* 123,000 are estimated to happen to men in county jail.
* 40,000 are estimated to be committed against boys in either adult prisons or while in juvenile facilities or lock ups.
* 5000 women are estimated to be raped in prison.
#10. And will you also applaud when your own child, due to an unnecessary and counter productive felony conviction, can no longer find employment?

It is totally amazing to me how you went about writing all of this dribble in an obvious attempt to circumvent the issues of personal responsibility and to excuse your personal shortcomings.
This dribble is full of conjecture, half truths and flat-out lies, compounded by an obvious ignorance of the present judicial system.
I didn’t count the number of lines that you wrote; however, it could have been condensed to the following.
1- Obey the law
2- Breaking the law has consequences
3- If you want your kids to turn-out to be good adults, you must be a good adult role model and SPEND TIME WITH YOUR KIDS!You are obviously one of those people who refuse to take responsibility for your screw-ups and all bad things that happen to you are because someone else caused it; be “The Establishment” “Corporate America” Donald Trump, Bill Gates, Fox News, Jorge W. Bush. . . . . . . . . .
The Beatles wrote a song about you apply named
“I am a looser”