View Full Version : The Town of Golden Beach Bids Captain J.B. Farewell!

06-24-2011, 11:01 PM
Although the Town of Golden Beach has been attempting to keep their questionable ways quiet and out of the medias eye, Captain J.B. is officially no longer employed by the town of Golden Beach as of last week. Captain J.B. is is being allowed to use up his sick leave and was afforded the oppurtunity to resign prior to being arrested. Apparently town elected officials are now concerned with Golden Beach getting yet another black eye from the media. Go figure! I dont suppose that conversation Captain J.B. had with the Mayor on the phone demanding that the town pay for his legal counsel went quite the way he expected it to. Bye, bye Captain J.B. and good luck with your future endeavors. You should have seriously considered the prior warning you were given.

A word of advice for you Mr. Manager. Take some of the advice that you read on here every night into careful consideration before making any further employment selections. Not only are the media, public and surrounding law enforcement agencies watching every move Golden Beach makes, but so are all of the residents that you work for. The selection of your interim Chief was a poor one. The selection of your new Lieutenant was yet another poor one. Until you come to the realization that when you surround yourself with scum, sooner or later it will rub off on you, you will continue to make these sloppy decisions. Hopefully you will be able to keep Ofc. Peters happy during his trials and tribulations as I am sure that if the State Attorneys Office were to wave that preverbial carrot in front of his face, he would not hesitate to take a big bite of it.

For the few of you that still remain that were innocent victims of the devastation the department has been through in the past two years, a few parting words of advice for now. Take the opportunity to make your department a good one. If you know of or witnessed criminal activity report it. It is your duty as a police officer. Become vocal within your union. Demand answers!. Why are officers under criminal indictment still working and driving take home police cars (unmarked ones so they do not stick out to the media)? Why are officers under criminal indictment still attending union meetings and being made aware of union business? Question your elected officials and union representatives as to why they are not actively involved in the background investigations and selection process of new employees to ensure that the same vicious cycle does not take place again. If you stand by idly and do nothing, you have nobody to blame but yourselves when the scum takes the department over again.

A final word of caution. As long as that Town Manger is there he will continue to attempt to bring scum into your department. Make him accountable for his actions!


Yours truly,

The Mongoose

06-25-2011, 01:55 PM
Although the Town of Golden Beach has been attempting to keep their questionable ways quiet and out of the medias eye, Captain J.B. is officially no longer employed by the town of Golden Beach as of last week. Captain J.B. is is being allowed to use up his sick leave and was afforded the oppurtunity to resign prior to being arrested. Apparently town elected officials are now concerned with Golden Beach getting yet another black eye from the media. Go figure! I dont suppose that conversation Captain J.B. had with the Mayor on the phone demanding that the town pay for his legal counsel went quite the way he expected it to. Bye, bye Captain J.B. and good luck with your future endeavors. You should have seriously considered the prior warning you were given.

A word of advice for you Mr. Manager. Take some of the advice that you read on here every night into careful consideration before making any further employment selections. Not only are the media, public and surrounding law enforcement agencies watching every move Golden Beach makes, but so are all of the residents that you work for. The selection of your interim Chief was a poor one. The selection of your new Lieutenant was yet another poor one. Until you come to the realization that when you surround yourself with scum, sooner or later it will rub off on you, you will continue to make these sloppy decisions. Hopefully you will be able to keep Ofc. Peters happy during his trials and tribulations as I am sure that if the State Attorneys Office were to wave that preverbial carrot in front of his face, he would not hesitate to take a big bite of it.

For the few of you that still remain that were innocent victims of the devastation the department has been through in the past two years, a few parting words of advice for now. Take the opportunity to make your department a good one. If you know of or witnessed criminal activity report it. It is your duty as a police officer. Become vocal within your union. Demand answers!. Why are officers under criminal indictment still working and driving take home police cars (unmarked ones so they do not stick out to the media)? Why are officers under criminal indictment still attending union meetings and being made aware of union business? Question your elected officials and union representatives as to why they are not actively involved in the background investigations and selection process of new employees to ensure that the same vicious cycle does not take place again. If you stand by idly and do nothing, you have nobody to blame but yourselves when the scum takes the department over again.

A final word of caution. As long as that Town Manger is there he will continue to attempt to bring scum into your department. Make him accountable for his actions!


Yours truly,

The Mongoose

Glad to see you're back Mongoose

06-25-2011, 06:26 PM
I never went anywhere. Believe it or not, I am always close by watching closely!

Yours truly,

The Mongoose