View Full Version : Lakes Comishion Minutes

06-07-2011, 09:08 PM
TUESDAY, MAY 10, 2011
7:00 PM

City Manager Taylor commented as to going forward in 2012
o She made an assumption of going to the rolled back rate and referred to
page 13 of her plan for millage comparisons with other municipalities.
o She said as we look at the general fund budget we have the highest costs,
Broward Sheriff’s Office and personnel services, to the lowest costs.
o She addressed contractual services and the goal to get law enforcement
down to at least 30% of the overall general fund budget.
o Her options for law enforcement services: proposal from Lauderhill for
police, fire, and code enforcement=$12,597,121 for a savings of
$2,456,179; Fort Lauderdale’s proposal was $11.1 million for law
enforcement services only.

City Manager Taylor addressed paying the debt owed BSO at the end of this fiscal year
and entering into a repayment program moving forward. We need to talk about how to
move forward in the area of law enforcement in Lauderdale Lakes based on the amount
of revenues received. The law enforcement budget has been a struggle as it exists and
is over 50% of the City’s general fund budget. She referred to information from
Lauderhill which was previously distributed to the Commission and said the only other
viable options for the City are: contract with another City or have a feasibility study to
determine our cost and if we wanted to look at establishing our own Police Department.