View Full Version : newspaper headline 24 arrests

07-09-2010, 12:16 AM
24 arrests in the paper ha!! ya'll ain't doin nuthin. pathetic

the sheriff dept does way more

07-09-2010, 01:40 AM
I'm actually glad to see them doing something. They need to work on the crack problem in this town more than what they are doing. The facts show that the PD does more drug arrests than the SO, but they don't make near the drug arrests that they used to.

07-16-2010, 12:31 AM
Well it is almost Friday, i guess the newspaper will be out and we will see another famous Captain quote from the PPD. What a way to toot his own horn, such a glory-hound. I love to get the paper and see those articles.....not!! what a narcissist!!!!!!!!! he sure loves and thinks highly of himself.

07-17-2010, 05:05 PM
Well it is almost Friday, i guess the newspaper will be out and we will see another famous Captain quote from the PPD. What a way to toot his own horn, such a glory-hound. I love to get the paper and see those articles.....not!! what a narcissist!!!!!!!!! he sure loves and thinks highly of himself.

He's not near as bad as the Capt, wanna be Sheriff, from the SO. He will do anything to get his name in the paper and recently has been trying to get his picture in the paper too. I am so shocked that he let the PD Capt beat him to the press with the 24 Arrests article, since it occurred in the county.

I think my favorite SO Capt article lately was the prescription drug epidemic article. It even got picked up by the "Big City" News. Now maybe if these guys really wanted to impress me, they would do something big about the crack cocaine epidemic in this town. Yes, prescription drugs are a problem, but crack cocaine is the biggest problem in this town.

07-19-2010, 11:40 PM
The Police Dept Capt, on the news again, big surprise, every other day he is on the news or in the papers, what a spotlight hunter. He must have work left undone, because he is spending so much time in front of the camera or talking to reporters. I am starting to get sick of seeing his name and hearing him talk. This is getting ridiculous.