11-25-2009, 12:50 AM
Well, here we are again with another contact meeting that has gone against us and taking away more than the first. After, the contract meeting today we are looking at a 50 percent pay cut from benefits to wages. I have stayed quiet throughout this contact but now I feel I must voice my opinion. Let's start with the city manger Mr. KB you have done such a great job as the city manager, you have let the police force with your yes man RPH jr go make the department go from great to crap and let morale hit the floor like never before. You have given yourself a $40,000 raise back in February of this year to make your Salary $200,000 without your benefits. Way to go KB you might just make my #1 City Hall Douche Bag of the month. Now, let's talk about the City Attorney DS, you are just right up there with the KB. You were given a $40,000 a year raise to make your salary at $200,000 without benefits back in February also, wow is that a coincidence, NOPE!! Oh, I am sorry the city must be broke, I must have failed math!! So far we have gone through just two of the top city officials that received raises but let's cut the police for who's lives are put on the line every day and may not return home. Now let's talk about the city council, oh such lovely people to have in office, they really love the police. Let's start at the top, MR. MAYOR congratulations on having the city pay for your go kart wheel chair its really cool can I get one for my kid!!! Anyway your pay for the year before you voted to give yourself a raise was $4,000 a year. Congratulations on giving yourself a $36,000 a year raise, oh but I get it, it's to replace the health insurance to pay for your ongoing health problems. So I guess you want to cut the force too so the city can afford you outrageous health fees. I think you are in the running with the city manager for the # 1 city hall douche bag of the month if not year!!! How could you have been a police volunteer and support us in the past and run on being against the RH (The Chief) but then coward down and not do anything. I guess he got to you with his great BS he always dishes out to his officers and command staff and oh by the way takes a demotion to get away from him. City Councilman PD I really do not have much to say to you except you are on the council that seems to always want to screw the police so you are thrown in the mix because you are part of the city government. However, sir I congratulate you on voting against the raises maybe you could give the police a vote, hello, you there........ PS I can't figure you out you are against the police one time and for us the next but you want to take away our take home vehicle because you can't have one with your own business or as a council woman so I say congratulations on voting against the raise but I feel you are not for the police. Now for BS, oh what a nice lady you were until you came into office and your arrogance that you always had has now gone to your head. You are definitely against the police and I do not care what you say. You are probably the one who started the whole let stop taking health care and gives myself a raise along with the other members. I am sorry that you do not work in a profession that gives yourself a pension but as a lawyer who ranks in the top 10 divorce lawyers in the state you should be well paid into your retirement . By the way is your job dangerous? Oh that's right you sit behind a desk and not have to worry about that while my wife does when I am at work, but we the police are normal 40 hour working personnel. Oh and BS good try on giving back 20 or 30 percent but you are still taking money you do not need. I actually think you may make number one now that I think about but we will have to wait and see. Ah, FP you are an awesome councilman who sit on the commission with the deer in the head lights look all the time, I do not know what to say to you because I do not think anything would help. I just know you voted to give yourself that raise too, so as far I am concerned your against the police too. BK I do not know much about you either but you voted for the raise and other stupid things so I believe you are against the police force also. Oh, last but not least the Great JPJ, congratulations on not running for the council next time around but instead you are running for the state legislature, let me know how that goes. So that is 6 council member who went from $3,500 a year to $35,000. I failed math but that is something like $210,000 - $21,000 = $189,000 raise just for the council, now add the mayor another $40,000-$4,000= $36,000 + $ 189,000 = $225,000 and let's not forget the city manager and city attorney $200,000-$160,000 = $40,000 X 2 = $80,000 so that makes the grand total of raises that we know about to $305,000. Wow, and I thought the city was broke, man I really suck at math can someone hire me a tutor because I can't figure out how the city is doing it.

1. KB, city manager
2. BS, city council woman
3. MR, mayor
4. RH, chief of NMBPD (how did he get in there, opps)
5. JPJ, city councilman
6. PS, city council woman
7. FP, city councilman
8. PD, city councilman
9. BK, city council woman
10. BH, human resources

Well, that about sums it up, cut the police and give the city leaders raises. Ah, who needs the police anyway, we got one way who can take care of the city. Opps did I mention we have a gang problem! (RH)
Until next month.........and thanks for disrespecting your fine officers at NMBPD

11-25-2009, 03:56 PM
You forgot to add into your equation that both the City Manager and the City Attorney also got a 10% bonus this fiscal year (10% of $200,000 = $20,000 x 2 = $40,000). Broke? I don't think so. The most recent contract proposal is obviously a malicious attack on the officers. Does our labor attorney know how the city gives it's department heads $100 bonuses for doing their job by chairing committiees (although this has stopped because the CM was caught), and has he made a public records request for all these pay rasies and bonuses for the "leaders"? The CM only takes care of his cronies, but screws the general & sworn employees. WTF? Add into all of this all the improvement in city hall, the manager's office, and attorney's office. There must be money...just not for us.

Unfortunately we don't have a Chief that gives a hoot about his employees. Otherwise he would tell the CM that this most recent contract proposal was a slap in the face and the city is not bargaining in good faith.

I understand that the union was treading softly with the city to get the best possible contract, but obviously it's time to get tough. I'm ready to hit the streets and let our citizens know the truth. Let our story be heard!

11-25-2009, 04:51 PM
I say take it to the public and start putting up billboards like Ft Lauderdale PD did a few years back. It is time to stop being soft and start playing hardball!!!! I also say let's do a vote of no confidence for both Chief and city manager. Let the games BEGIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :evil:

11-26-2009, 03:33 AM



11-26-2009, 03:39 AM
City: We want to reduce your pay by 20%
officer response

City response


11-26-2009, 04:13 AM
New Captains Test ASSessment Test for 2010


11-28-2009, 01:44 AM
Thank goodness the union has grown some balls. I applaude the banner plane. Now it is time to unite behind the common cause of "what we are worth."