View Full Version : Promotion Exams

10-23-2009, 06:12 PM
Is it just me?

I do not feel positive about how I did on the Sgt. test. I feel that I studied but felt kind of blown away with some of the questions. Whatever score I get I know was my own fault but does anyone else feel that most of the questions were a little off topic? Meaning should we show that we know or don't know how to run things or we know or don't know how many days notice someone gets for being in trouble?

Since this was a new test (I liked the former one) I wonder if it was possible for current Sgts or Lts to take this one and see how it scored out? Or were most of the questions the same for both exams not making it possible?

Good luck to everyone who took the exam today. I know I'll need it!

10-23-2009, 07:59 PM
They said it was going to be on the policies and by da*n they meant it! Personally i wish we had kept the old test. the ones who didn't have the bank of test questions who did all the complaining i would have gladly (especially now) given them MY copy! And i guarantee you that the current sgts. and lts. wouldn't have done no better on this one than we did! the number of days that something or other happened or didn't happen kept getting jumbled up in my mind! i couldn't keep them straight! good luck back to you! but you won't see me on the list for two more years! can we petition the sheriff to get the old test BACK!

10-23-2009, 08:50 PM
Although I may not like the format of the test either, you have to say one thing; it was the same for all of us! No questions floating around, no one with a "special" study guide or anything like that. The test could be more closely related to what we do on a day-to-day basis rather than the number of days for a disciplinary issue. That information is in policy to refer when needed. I would like to have seen more practical day-to-day questions.

We all had the same chance to study and make whatever score we get. At least that is fair!?!? Right? :roll:

10-23-2009, 11:58 PM
For me i'm glad the scenario crap is gone. I liked the test bank thing but the old take your policy book into the room and fill out a scenario synopsis was for the dumpster. Glad to see it gone!

10-24-2009, 04:39 AM
We all had the same chance to study and make whatever score we get. At least that is fair!?!? Right? :roll:

Well, er... sorta. I reviewed the high risk areas and policy that a supervisor would need to know in order to do the job. Not areas like how long the big boss has to respond to a grievance...

I don't see what was UNFAIR about the previous exam. It wasn't as if the bank of questions was a big secret since it was posted on our website for quite some time and there was never anything said about the questions changing.

I suppose we will see how "fair" everyone thinks this exam was after they are scored. I should be lucky to get 50%.

10-24-2009, 01:03 PM
I didn't take this exam so i can't comment one way or the other but WHY was the previous exam chunked by FOP?

10-24-2009, 01:29 PM
It’s not that the FOP wanted the test “chunked.” There were a lot of people complaining that they did not have the bank of questions to study. The bank was put out a long time ago and the newer people did not have access to it.

Besides, is studying a bank of questions really learning what the policy says? Or, it is just memorizing something to regurgitate on a test and not really knowing how it applies?

I would like to see the multiple choice and true/false test come back, but just make new questions that apply to the positions, not just a sentence pulled from the policy and a word taken out.

10-24-2009, 01:58 PM
I don't blame teh FOP. They were just representing their deputies and their wishes.

10-24-2009, 02:04 PM
And don't forget the written exam is just to test your knowledge of the policies, specifically those policies that a person of the rank your testing for should know. But the problem with this agency is there needs to be MORE than just knowing policies to qualify you for promotion. We STOP at the written exam with a few points thrown in for seniority and education. But where's our points for performance and ability on the job? That's where this agency has failed those seeking promotion. Look at those who have been promoted already. What was their performance on the job? Great they scored high on a bank of questions, so what? How does that make them qualified to be a sgt. or lt.? Shouldn't there be something more added to the mix?

10-24-2009, 02:14 PM
My understanding is that the Sheriff ordered the bank of questions to be put out several years ago. It would have made more since to put out the specific policies to study rather than giving you the answers to the test. It would make more since to narrow down the policies than to just give you the answers to memorize. Let’s see a test that truly tests the every day things a supervisor does or needs to know.

10-24-2009, 02:22 PM
Good point! But until the sheriff and the FOP get together and AGREE to change it we are stuck with what we have. I agree its a FAIR system, other words nobody has a bank of questions and others don't, BUT i think it could be made better by a long shot!

10-24-2009, 02:40 PM
There is more to the process. The contract states that the top 5 go to a committee review and the candidate has to submit a written letter of why “they” should be promoted. The committee is then supposed to review the person’s performance, files, etc. and then make a recommendation to the Sheriff. The recommendation should be in writing and made public record if anyone wants to see the reasoning behind the recommendations. The FOP is supposed to have a representative on the committee. Hopefully they will not be “yes” person!

10-24-2009, 06:43 PM
Who cares what the test is like, when a liar like Collier still has his hands in the picture, nobody will get a fair shake. Collier will take the word of someone that you have never worked for and make a decision on your future, then lie about what he did and why. The FOP will take the Sheriff's side. Happened to me, it can happen to you.

10-24-2009, 07:01 PM
One of the previous posters got it right, in this entire process there is no performance factor. Evaluations do not count, performance does not count. no points that factor into the final "list". Oh, I see, after the points are totaled then they finally look at who is capable or not. Now what do they do if none of the top five point folks aren't worth the time of day? A promotional process that does not take into consideration your evaluation or your performance is seemingly the wrong way to get the most qualified supervisor. Oh and yes, different ways to determine who should be promoted have been submitted and rejected by the Sheriff. Between him and the FOP they came up with the guidelines.

The only thing that made that test fair is everyone took the same one. My only question is what were they testing for? Not for a road Sgt/Lt, a administrative clerk maybe.

10-24-2009, 08:39 PM
There is more to the process. The contract states that the top 5 go to a committee review and the candidate has to submit a written letter of why “they” should be promoted. The committee is then supposed to review the person’s performance, files, etc. and then make a recommendation to the Sheriff. The recommendation should be in writing and made public record if anyone wants to see the reasoning behind the recommendations. The FOP is supposed to have a representative on the committee. Hopefully they will not be “yes” person!

you got that right!

10-26-2009, 12:03 AM
Why even test? If there is going to be a subjective choice at the end, then just let the sheriff pick. Well that is not a good idea, he doesnt have the gonads to make a decision and stick to it. Lets just put all the names in a hat and wait until the sheriff picks out the one he wants. The FOP will back him on that one.

10-26-2009, 01:52 PM
The test may be fair but the points for school has me wondering??????????

Ohh I get it the last Prez was helping out his fellow officers when he thought of that one right?

Guess again. Always setting up for themselves, he will fit in with the office cronies very well, a yes man. Also a person who can get a job done right???

10-26-2009, 02:30 PM
Why don't we just add a new show to BLAB TV, call it "Deputy's got talent". There you can dress up and show off for the stripes. Then let the citizens vote...Thats the ticket...Then that will be fair.
On the serious side, how about a system that does not allow for any "subjective" criteria. Everyone knows you cannot trust Collier. How does Hall continue to let Collier screw his people.

10-28-2009, 01:01 PM
Although I may not like the format of the test either, you have to say one thing; it was the same for all of us! No questions floating around, no one with a "special" study guide or anything like that. The test could be more closely related to what we do on a day-to-day basis rather than the number of days for a disciplinary issue. That information is in policy to refer when needed. I would like to have seen more practical day-to-day questions.

We all had the same chance to study and make whatever score we get. At least that is fair!?!? Right? :roll:
The Sheriff and his staff have no idea on what they want in a supervisor. Shouldn't a deputy be tested on what he knows being a deputy, not what he thinks he/she knows being a Sgt or Supervisor. The training on how to be a supervisor and what the Sheriff thinks is important to know being a supervisor should come once selected.

10-28-2009, 02:45 PM
The Sheriff and his staff have no idea on what they want in a supervisor. Shouldn't a deputy be tested on what he knows being a deputy, not what he thinks he/she knows being a Sgt or Supervisor. The training on how to be a supervisor and what the Sheriff thinks is important to know being a supervisor should come once selected.

I see your point but i feel, in my opinion, it is the other way around. If you're testing for sergeant you should study what a sergeant is responsible for. You're trying to convince the uppers that you're sergeant material and have taken the time and effort to familiarize yourself with what a sergeant does. Remember the questions you were asked when you were interviewed for your deputy position. Questions that you would need to know IF you were a deputy or that you would learn AFTER you became a deputy. Just food for thought. From what i've heard from the others, those that studied did pretty good given the difficulty of the exam.

10-28-2009, 07:52 PM
The Sheriff and his staff have no idea on what they want in a supervisor. Shouldn't a deputy be tested on what he knows being a deputy, not what he thinks he/she knows being a Sgt or Supervisor. The training on how to be a supervisor and what the Sheriff thinks is important to know being a supervisor should come once selected.

I see your point but i feel, in my opinion, it is the other way around. If you're testing for sergeant you should study what a sergeant is responsible for. You're trying to convince the uppers that you're sergeant material and have taken the time and effort to familiarize yourself with what a sergeant does. Remember the questions you were asked when you were interviewed for your deputy position. Questions that you would need to know IF you were a deputy or that you would learn AFTER you became a deputy. Just food for thought. From what i've heard from the others, those that studied did pretty good given the difficulty of the exam.
Dont you want the best deputy, not the one that think they know it all about a job they have never held. There should be time given at their promotion to train a new supervisor to be a supervisor. How about including a couple of mandatory college classes on police supervision.

10-29-2009, 02:35 PM
Spoken like someone with a degree. What is a college professor going to be able to teach you about being a road Sgt/Lt? You must be joking. If anything the S.O. should be responsible for having a brief FTO type class on what you need to do as a Sgt/Lt. Such as how to approve reports,citizen complaints, crashes involving S.O. vehicles, Etc.

10-29-2009, 09:47 PM
Spoken like someone with a degree. What is a college professor going to be able to teach you about being a road Sgt/Lt? You must be joking. If anything the S.O. should be responsible for having a brief FTO type class on what you need to do as a Sgt/Lt. Such as how to approve reports,citizen complaints, crashes involving S.O. vehicles, Etc.
Spoken like someone with a GED. Why not try to get a little higher education, that GED is about worn out.

10-30-2009, 04:02 PM
Since the numbers are out does anyone know the average missed for Sgt. and Lt.? Best or worst?

10-31-2009, 02:35 PM
I believe the scores ranged from the best at 10 (missed #) to the low 30's. Kinda surprised me i thought that no one would have gotten that good a score. You can bet whoever did studied their a**ss off!

10-31-2009, 07:03 PM
Who cares what the scores are, when Hall's crew gets done with the "pickin" you will see how fair it is. Hall doesn't care about his people or their careers, only his own. Hopefully it will be over after the next election.

11-01-2009, 03:37 AM
So you're saying that whoever is promoted in the future is one of Hall's boys or girls right? Is that what you're saying? You sound like the same one that said the same sh*t before the last round of promotions and no one would ever list any of those as one of the "Hall's" chums. You sound like a broken record! Hall used to let the points determine the pick but we along with FOP asked him to change it. He consented to picking from the top five like he was asked and now that he's done that you foment forth your crap about him picking his chums. You sit back, never get involved, then rise to the surface like a turd and gripe and complain. Why don't you go across the river where that is everyday business as usual!

11-02-2009, 08:57 PM
So you're saying that whoever is promoted in the future is one of Hall's boys or girls right? Is that what you're saying? You sound like the same one that said the same sh*t before the last round of promotions and no one would ever list any of those as one of the "Hall's" chums. You sound like a broken record! Hall used to let the points determine the pick but we along with FOP asked him to change it. He consented to picking from the top five like he was asked and now that he's done that you foment forth your crap about him picking his chums. You sit back, never get involved, then rise to the surface like a turd and gripe and complain. Why don't you go across the river where that is everyday business as usual!
You should know what you are talking about before you spout off. The FOP had nothing to do with the "Hall could pick from the top 5". There was a work group of deputies, supervisors and staff that took a look at it in 2005, gave input and then Hall's boys took it behind closed doors and put in the "Pick from the top 5". What the working group suggested was not written into the policy. Hall allowed Collier to pick who he wanted, Hall could then say he just did what was recommended to him. Nobody said anything about those being picked were "Hall's boys or girls". Anyway, if DB can get promoted then anyone has a chance. I was one who was involved, and I did speak up and I never complained. I have every right to say what I want about Hall, Collier, the FOP or whoever is involved. Hall and Collier have a problem telling the truth about the promotion process and should be called out

11-04-2009, 05:15 AM
Every post reads the same:
Everyone wants a fair chance to get promoted and everyone has a system is the best and right for everyone else.
It's someone else's fault that I did not get promoted.
Everyone who got promoted before me was someone else's boy/girl.

The True bottom line is:
You don't like the process.....change it, do something other than complain.
Get involved in some way instead of complaining, don't be afraid, don't make excuses.

I will admit that I did not take the test. I do not agree with how many points can be assessed prior to even walking into the test, but I will be there at the negiotations to state my feelings. The FOP is the labor rep for this agency. Like it or hate it that's the way it is. It had to be voted on in order to happen.
We have way more important issues than if you can get strips and a 5% raise. Guess what, I'll be making the same money as you without the bs of the stripes. In a few more years I'll be making more than most of the current sarges.

THE ONLY WAY TO CHANGE IT IS TO BAND TOGETHER AND STAND UP FOR WHAT IS RIGHT. THERE IS STRENGTH IN NUMBERS. Of course, we would have to first have to find a way to make people stand together without arguing.

If I remember correctly, the thin blue/green line is meant to represent the unity behind the badge. All of you AH's out there that have stuck it someone's back (most of this agency) will get what they deserve. Everyone in this agency (including me) needs to grow up.

You don't like it, do something to change it. Step up or Shut up.

11-04-2009, 03:18 PM
Every post reads the same:
Everyone wants a fair chance to get promoted and everyone has a system is the best and right for everyone else.
It's someone else's fault that I did not get promoted.
Everyone who got promoted before me was someone else's boy/girl.

The True bottom line is:
You don't like the process.....change it, do something other than complain.
Get involved in some way instead of complaining, don't be afraid, don't make excuses.

I will admit that I did not take the test. I do not agree with how many points can be assessed prior to even walking into the test, but I will be there at the negiotations to state my feelings. The FOP is the labor rep for this agency. Like it or hate it that's the way it is. It had to be voted on in order to happen.
We have way more important issues than if you can get strips and a 5% raise. Guess what, I'll be making the same money as you without the bs of the stripes. In a few more years I'll be making more than most of the current sarges.

THE ONLY WAY TO CHANGE IT IS TO BAND TOGETHER AND STAND UP FOR WHAT IS RIGHT. THERE IS STRENGTH IN NUMBERS. Of course, we would have to first have to find a way to make people stand together without arguing.

If I remember correctly, the thin blue/green line is meant to represent the unity behind the badge. All of you AH's out there that have stuck it someone's back (most of this agency) will get what they deserve. Everyone in this agency (including me) needs to grow up.

You don't like it, do something to change it. Step up or Shut up.

Finally a voice of truth and reason!

11-12-2009, 07:55 PM
Does anyone know when the FOP contract expires?

11-20-2009, 07:43 PM
Looks like the wait is over for the results.

Congrats to the high scorers.