View Full Version : OUR DEPARTMENT

08-15-2009, 05:55 PM
Hey, has anyone else noticed that we are about a 50 man department and no one else gives a crap about what goes on in Zepherhills except for our sorry selves?

08-15-2009, 07:54 PM
Keep your danm inferiority complex to yourself. If you are too bigtime for ZPD then move your azz on. Go learn how the big city folks do it then come back here and beat everyone up with your new ninja talents.

08-17-2009, 01:20 PM
What is wrong with you? Are you so miserable in your life that you have to act like an azz?

08-17-2009, 01:32 PM
What is wrong with you? Are you so miserable in your life that you have to act like an azz?
I sure hope you directed your post at the guy with the inferiority complex because he doesnt work for TPD.

08-17-2009, 01:43 PM
Yes, my first post was directed to punkyoufromthereardoor - such a username.

How do you know he doesn't work for TPD as you stated?

08-17-2009, 11:51 PM
Thats an easy one , no one can go from ZPD to anywhere better they just take losers that can't make at real departments..............

08-18-2009, 12:24 PM
Thats an easy one , no one can go from ZPD to anywhere better they just take losers that can't make at real departments..............
Screw you, sissy. If you were a real man and a real cop you would walk up to the next ZPD officer you see and slap his face and announce you are pulling his punk card. Then you might even spit in his mouth when he opened it to reply.
Here's where the trouble starts for you.
The ZPD officer would then grab you by your hair and drag you down to your knees. You would then receive a barrage of knee strikes to the chin and forehead. Then she would put you in a rear-naked choke until everything went to black for you. Then she would again take hold of your hair and repeatedly smash your face into the concrete.
But you wont will you?
You will instead prance around in your cute little white shirt and write grandma speeding tickets for doing 6 over the speed limit and then youll go home and tell your big sister what a cool and tough cop you are because you work for some bigshot agency and not some little podunk place like you say ZPD is.

08-18-2009, 01:04 PM
What is with this department? All the cops here seem to have some anger issues going on. Some of these posts are over the top with someone wanting to punch someone in the face, hit their head to the pavement, etc.

You are given the right to arrest people, but you are not given the right to abuse this power given to you and in reading some of these replies, I begin to wonder if some of you are abusing the rights given to you as a sworn officer.

Maybe ZPD needs to go through some anger management classes.

08-18-2009, 01:51 PM
Who the hell said anything about violating rights or beating people arrested??!!
I'm talking about someone who walks up to me and slaps me! I guess I should be like you and walk away like a chump?! I guess youre one of those people who says it takes a bigger man to walk away?! Thats a bunch of crap. It takes a bigger sissy punk to just let someone work them over with no retribution.
I guess in your opinion a cop would be more professional if he just laid on the ground in a fetal position and let people kick him to sleep.

08-18-2009, 02:26 PM
I never said anything about laying on the ground in a fetal position - talk about jumping to conclusions.

If someone comes up to you and slaps you in the face, then you do have a right to defend yourself, but I have seen too many times where an officer has used excessive force when it was not deemed appropriate, too "rough them up" a little. That is what I am referring to.

Calm down a little, take a breathe, relax you seem to want to jump down people's throats.

08-18-2009, 04:04 PM
I never said anything about laying on the ground in a fetal position - talk about jumping to conclusions.

If someone comes up to you and slaps you in the face, then you do have a right to defend yourself, but I have seen too many times where an officer has used excessive force when it was not deemed appropriate, too "rough them up" a little. That is what I am referring to.

Calm down a little, take a breathe, relax you seem to want to jump down people's throats.

What??!! You've seen people brutalized by the police FIRSTHAND? And you didnt intervene? You didnt immediately report them to IA??? If you REALLY have seen these things then you are equally corrupt for not doing something about it.
Either you are lying about seeing this excessive force firsthand or you are spineless for not doing something about force that offended your sensibilities.

08-18-2009, 04:55 PM
I am neither...

I am on the legal side and have defended police officers in their extreme brutality cases and not all the times is it warranted.

End of story....

08-19-2009, 12:32 AM
WOW spit in someones mouth what a sick little man, sap a cop now your sick and into somw kinky stuff, good luck finding satisfaction.

08-19-2009, 01:31 AM
Disclaimer:The views and opinions expressed here does not necessarily represent the views and opinions of the Zephyrhills Police Departments or its members or affiliates. Please keep in mind that the forum commonly referred to as "Leo Affairs" is open to the public access and therefore is accessed by any and all persons with access to their mom's computer.

It is expressly stated that the standard of care given to the opinions provided do not necessarily reflect nor implied to have originated from a professional police officer or the Zephyrhills Police Department staff. Therefore, The reader assumes all responsibility regarding and concerning the content of such material and is prohibited from assigning ownership to the reputation or membership associated with the Zephyrhills Police Department and its membership.

This poster's recommendation is thus provided to establish that summer is almost over and therefore the views and opinions of such violence may or may not be supported by WWE, WWF, or UFC type programs offered to various posters after Mom goes to bed. It is expressly considered that all postings and opinions be subjected to viewer scrutiny regarding content and weighed against maturity terms considering validity, prudence and common sense.

It is further considered that "Leo Affairs" is not liable nor can the Zephyrhills Police Department members and staff retain liability for the gullibility of the readers in accepting any and all postings as a true and valid posting from the membership of the Zephyrhills Police Department.

Thank you for your understanding.

08-19-2009, 12:17 PM
YEAH RIGHT this stuff is coming from one of the Napolians that work there, better than putting that crap out there use some peer pressure and make them stop it makes your officers look like back wood ass morons.............just saying what everyone reading these posts thin Also just cause you get promoted does not mean you don't say hi.