View Full Version : NEED ANSWERS

07-27-2009, 02:46 PM
Man...just when u think things are going to be ok...YOUR LIFE TAKES A TURN THAT MAKES U WONDER IF UR GONNA MAKE IT.

Too much to go into but man... I'm looking answers...especially because a buddy of mine said this to me..."WHEN YOU STAND BEFORE GOD, WHAT ANSWER WILL YOU GIVE FOR THE LIFE THAT YOU LIVED?"

I kinda believe in A GOD or something...really dunno...don't know why I'm bothering to post this...my life is a mess and it's not getting any better. If anyone has an answer for some peace in the screwed up world....give a brother a break and let me know.

07-27-2009, 03:22 PM
Sometimes life feels like one hurdle after another especially in the economic times that we are currently living in. I know this phrase is overused, but really just take it one day at a time. Things will get better.

If you want to post more details about what is going on in your life, I may be able to help somemore or perhaps someone could give you a better insite.

07-27-2009, 04:20 PM

That's a good question bro...a really good question. What answer will I give?...probably easier for me to believe that inner peace and happiness is inside me....take lemons and make lemonade...etc etc. Is there an after-life / life after death, read and heard stuff about folks dying and going to heaven and back and some of the other...scary hell stuff...(SAW SOME ON BOTH SUBJECT ON YOUTUBE.COM)

....does God really exist....probably easier me to believe there is no God and that we aren't accountable for what we do in this life....easier to believe that each person decides what's best for them and that we are at the wheel and decide our own destiny....probably easier to believe that the theory of evolution is true....we die, fade to black, turn into fertilizer.. and it's over.

But what if God is real and there is a heaven and hell....what if we are all going to stand and give an account for everything we've ever done and everything we've ever said...what if even the stuff we thought was a secret is going to be brought out and we're gonna get judged for it? Holy cow! Dunno buddy.....I've heard both sides....one is easier on the conscience than the other.....hope it all works out for you.

07-27-2009, 05:54 PM
What if God makes everyone accountable for what they've posted on leo affairs. That would be embarrassing. But then God knows everything before it happens, and he gives everyone his/her free will..........then he must know what people are going to do before they do it and allows them to carry out their own free will without his interference, because then it would be pre-destination working against you. Maybe our God just sits back and does nothing and watches only. This would explain why a child is murdered, and person is raped, another is crushed in a car accident, another steals money from his agency and falsifies documents, another uses drugs, or drinks alcohol excessively causing their life to get out of control, one cheats on his wife (Then claims to be a Family values guy), maybe your wife leaves you for another.....???...........maybe people are ashamed of what they do in their daily lives and then turn to god to fix it as a last resort. A kind of reconing contemplated at the last moment or nearing the final moment. But does this god really entertain us the way some may think. The next time I am living in a 3rd world country without food, when the wheels of a semi-tractor trailer are about to run over me, when I as a little child am being dismembered and mutilated at the hands of a serial-killer, only then will I remember to ask his help with my drinking, druging, and unfaithfulness......maybe I will find that he is interested in helping me with my life issues. I will pray to him for help, I will thank him for my food, and he will answer me. Maybe this would explain that while he was so busy talking to me, all those other people went in need!


07-27-2009, 10:40 PM
The trouble sole needs to confide in his or her supervisor and request help.

07-28-2009, 01:21 PM
Asking the questions is the first step in finding the answers. LIfe is not fair in many instances and sadly, many of our choices are negative and demeaning to ourselves and others. Multiple problems at one time and stress always compound the issue. Law Enforcement Officers pride themselves on being able to contol situations and bring order. We see ourselves and the last line of defense between criminals and the public we have sworn to protect, and so we are. This however does not make us invincible for we are still human. We see it as a sign of weakness when our marriages are struggling, when we have problems meeting the bills, when our children are being rebellious. Then we put on a uniform, try to put our problems behind us and wade into the crisis's of our community.

I can tell you that your feeling of being overwhelmed is shared by most of your peers at one time or another. My own personal anchor has been my belief in God and the evidences I have seen of Him in the world around me, in the sound of an infant's laughter, and in his abiding presence in my soul. The good news is that the low points in our life can be the exception rather than the rule. I encourage you to talk to your loved ones and be honest with them, I am sure they have been worried about you. I would also encourgae you to talk to a minister concerning your search for God. Lastly, I would encourage you to access your department's employee assistance program which is strictly confidential.

You are in a learning experience, it is ok to be human. There are more people around you who understand and are willing to help than you think.

07-28-2009, 11:29 PM
For me, life without faith in a higher power would be a pretty dim view of the world. We work in a profession where we see a lot of the bad side of our community and mankind in general. Driving in the beautiful countryside or sitting at the beach, I see God's hand and feel his presence. I don't think we're here just to take up space. I do think we're here for a reason. I also believe that there are a lot of us that sincerely care about each other. If you want to talk to somebody, there are people who will listen and not judge. When we're strong together, together we're strong.

07-29-2009, 01:54 PM
...and I just dont know what I'd do without Grimm's Fairy Tales. That book has taken me through many a troubled time.

07-29-2009, 02:06 PM
If this was any kind of negativity or knock towards 301 it needs to stop. 301 is a wonderful person and would give you the clothes off his back if you needed them. Enough said.

...and I just dont know what I'd do without Grimm's Fairy Tales. That book has taken me through many a troubled time.

07-30-2009, 12:08 AM
whatever... he's such a great individual but continues to support the union members and talks crap about the admin. nice try!

If this was any kind of negativity or knock towards 301 it needs to stop. 301 is a wonderful person and would give you the clothes off his back if you needed them. Enough said.

...and I just dont know what I'd do without Grimm's Fairy Tales. That book has taken me through many a troubled time.

08-02-2009, 11:21 PM
Guest, you have know clue what you are talking about, Sgt. 301 has the respect and support of more employees then you will ever have in your small career and that is being generous. Good luck.

08-02-2009, 11:36 PM
Guest, you have know clue what you are talking about, Sgt. 301 has the respect and support of more employees then you will ever have in your small career and that is being generous. Good luck.

Keep trying to convience rookie! Let me guess... when I grow up, I want to be just like him!!!

08-04-2009, 03:04 AM
Guest you could only be so lucky to have a career that long. 410 has more credibility within the department then you will ever have so give it a rest and move on. I don't even know why I'm giving you the time of day other then I'm tired of the few cry babies within the department trying to drag the rest of the agency down. It is plan and simple, if your unhappy leave!

08-06-2009, 08:37 PM
You guys and girls are speaking of the the one person that would have anyones back in the line of duty. I do agree that he would give you the shirt off of his back and any knowledge that he has learned throughout his career. I have known 301 for a long time and can say that he does not talk about anyone he is one of the truest police officers at ZPD and lets his squad have fun with the job like it should be instead of being a micro manager. No doubt people make the job alot harder than what it should be, it is hard enough under the conditions, but dont blame it on 301, he is not at fault. You people need to stop and look at the big picture like at the uncertain direction ZPD is going.

09-05-2009, 10:47 PM
wow, things must be really bad at ZPD now to be insulting Sarge 301. In the 5 years I was there 301 was the most respected person at the agency. He was the only person who didn't play the administrations games, didn't spread rumors, didn't disrespect anyone. Even people from the SO respected 301. You know its been about 5 years since I left ZPD and the city all together and though at those times it seemed like it couldn't get any worse it appears it has. All I can say is its amazing with the things I've read on these posts the PD hasn't exploded yet.

I understand how bad you had it when Barnes was there, I left right after he got there, those were dark days but it seems that now there is no trust amongst anyone. At the agency I'm at now, the administration treats us horribly and leaves us out to dry if a citizen complains on us regardless of how frivolous or stupid the complaint. We are guilty until proven innocent. But one thing I've found is its not as bad because in patrol we all respect each other and trust one another. Officers are actually friends outside of work, we are not worried about someone stabbing us in the back. Sure we make fun of some officers and that's going to happen anywhere but we get along.

That is what you guys need at ZPD. The only way you are going to be able to make the agency work is to get along. Don't trust the administration as far as I'm concerned never trust anyone wearing gold but trust each other. The administration can crew you over and the city can make your working conditions hell but if you enjoy each other you'll actually enjoy work more. I still talk with some of the very few officers that still work there from when I was there and there seems to be no cohesion amongst officers. So unless something happened and 301 is now a different person, stop insulting him on the boards, stop insulting all of your officers on your boards under the rank of captain I think you'll find the work conditions will get better and you'll probably stop losing as many officers.

09-06-2009, 04:06 PM
wow, things must be really bad at ZPD now to be insulting Sarge 301. In the 5 years I was there 301 was the most respected person at the agency. He was the only person who didn't play the administrations games, didn't spread rumors, didn't disrespect anyone. Even people from the SO respected 301. You know its been about 5 years since I left ZPD and the city all together and though at those times it seemed like it couldn't get any worse it appears it has. All I can say is its amazing with the things I've read on these posts the PD hasn't exploded yet.

I understand how bad you had it when Barnes was there, I left right after he got there, those were dark days but it seems that now there is no trust amongst anyone. At the agency I'm at now, the administration treats us horribly and leaves us out to dry if a citizen complains on us regardless of how frivolous or stupid the complaint. We are guilty until proven innocent. But one thing I've found is its not as bad because in patrol we all respect each other and trust one another. Officers are actually friends outside of work, we are not worried about someone stabbing us in the back. Sure we make fun of some officers and that's going to happen anywhere but we get along.

That is what you guys need at ZPD. The only way you are going to be able to make the agency work is to get along. Don't trust the administration as far as I'm concerned never trust anyone wearing gold but trust each other. The administration can crew you over and the city can make your working conditions hell but if you enjoy each other you'll actually enjoy work more. I still talk with some of the very few officers that still work there from when I was there and there seems to be no cohesion amongst officers. So unless something happened and 301 is now a different person, stop insulting him on the boards, stop insulting all of your officers on your boards under the rank of captain I think you'll find the work conditions will get better and you'll probably stop losing as many officers.

Thanks for you input zh352... as for a mentor within this agency, you're not so post on PSO slam site and stay off of ours! By the way, arn't you wearing gold... don't trust him! :devil:

09-07-2009, 04:55 PM
Anyone that knows 301 understands and respects him unconditionally. I have worked under him and he is an Officer's Sergeant and will always be. I have never heard a cross word said about him until this posting but it obviously comes from an individual who either doesn't know him or is miserable in their own pathetic life. 99% of the staff at Z.P.D. is happy at the agency and gets along very well. It s that 1% who everybody knows about and for the most part just lets them spew their venom. We have a great crew and I am happy with the agency. It's not all good but tell me what agency would be. I come in, do my job and pretty much am left alone. If you want to do something else, bid for it, if you want another shift, bid for it and if you have a problem, be a man or woman and go and try and work it out using your chain of command. If you have enough seniority and your personel jacket reflects a work record or ethics that should be rewarded then hopefully you will get what you want. If you are being treated unfairly or just plain wrong, address it with the Union or City Hall. There is a process for everything but complaining on a public site is ridiculous and immature and frankly...makes us look like idiots. It's not hard folks, we do have the jobs that people would kill for, lets not make it any harder than it has to be.

I am sure this message will be picked apart by haters and the general public who posts on here but they don't affect my work or personal life so go ahead and spew. You are the minority and hopefully the unemployed if you slip up and get found out.

Othe than that, thanks to my Brothers and Sisters I work with and for. This is a Z.P.D. employee that is thankful for the job and is loving it on a daily basis.

09-07-2009, 11:36 PM
Thanks capt.

09-09-2009, 01:44 AM
No not the Capt. Just a content Officer that wants to thank the disgruntled posters who make it pretty easy to shine around ZPD.

09-09-2009, 01:22 PM
No not the Capt. Just a content Officer that wants to thank the disgruntled posters who make it pretty easy to shine around ZPD.

Now that is funny.... It isn't too hard to shine at a department like a little department as ZPD is. :devil: :devil: :devil:

09-09-2009, 11:17 PM
Well we know for certain know this guy works for ZPD. He can't put a sentence together that makes any sense.

No not the Capt. Just a content Officer that wants to thank the disgruntled posters who make it pretty easy to shine around ZPD.

Now that is funny.... It isn't too hard to shine at a department like a little department as ZPD is. :devil: :devil: :devil:

09-10-2009, 01:26 PM
Only the best work at ZPD -- LOL :snicker: :snicker: