View Full Version : What a joke!

07-12-2009, 01:18 AM
You will never believe what they have AG guys doing these days! I was driving down 41 and saw a fully dressed AG guy in uniform weed eating grass...not with a lawn mower A WEEDEATER!!!! (THIS IS LAW ENFORCEMENT NOT WORK RELEASE) You high rollers in Tallahassee should be ashamed of your self having your officers who are suspose to be serving and protecting. Instead your to cheap to hire lawn care so you have them mowing grass with a weedeater... you might as well just paint all of them BLACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS I don't work for this agency, so maybe someone will take this seriously. :oops:

07-12-2009, 03:46 AM
Not only do we mow the grass, we paint and pressure wash our buildings, clean the bathrooms, mop the floors, clean the windows, wash, wax and vacuum our cars and any other domestic duty that need be at our work station.

It's no joke, its part of our job and we take pride in keeping or work area looking its best.

07-12-2009, 04:33 AM
Then get a job in the custodial arts you jack arse. If you want to do the aforementioned then leave law enforcement and move on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :devil:

07-12-2009, 06:47 AM
Not only do we mow the grass, we paint and pressure wash our buildings, clean the bathrooms, mop the floors, clean the windows, wash, wax and vacuum our cars and any other domestic duty that need be at our work station.

It's no joke, its part of our job and we take pride in keeping or work area looking its best.

Speak for yourself. It is a shame that we are the only LEO's in the State of Florida that have to do this. It is worse than a joke. Not only do other agencies have contractors or employees to do these duties for them, they make more money than we do, get more raises than we do, etc..

It is a shame that the sorry arse maintenance man that makes more than many of our officers cannot keep the grass mowed, Timmy has him to busy at the market tending to his needs because he is to fat a lazy to do it himself.

This whole freaking Department is turning into more of a joke everyday. Load of tomatoes that was hit on by a drug K9 in South Florida is let go per Capitan's orders when we could have used the VACIS truck to scan it and see what was in the load and possibly made a good bust. FYI a box truck pulling a trailer loaded with tomatoes does not constitute a full according to Statute. Load of onions that possibly had dope in it was let go because someone was lazy and did not want to take the VACIS truck from I-75 to I-10. Same truck was caught a few days later in Texas making another run to Florida with 2800 lbs of dope, said he had 1800 lbs the day he came through the I-10 station.

There are Officers in this Department who want to work but are held back by ignorant brass that do not know their arse from a whole in the ground. They are scared to do anything other than check cows and horses, and heaven forbid you find something you can put someone in jail for because they will not let you.

In the military it is called dereliction of duty when you do not perform you duties to your up-most abilities.

The best thing that could happen to this Department is get someone from DEA to be our Colonel, and clean house of those that do not want to be LEO's, then use our administrative search authority smartly to really make a difference.

I could go on and on about some of the dumb stuff that goes on here, but I will stop.


07-12-2009, 12:45 PM
Timmy takes orders from Bryan who reminds us that we need to stick to are regulatorey work and then real police work. Hingson is to dumb and kisses Bryans butt all day to keep his job. Bryan is the problem out here and everybody knows it. They in Tally will all be gone soon. You better watch your temper Chief Bryan

07-12-2009, 04:40 PM
Stop running your mouth and face the facts. We do very little real police work thank God. But, we make the pay and get high risk pension. It's a beautiful thing.

Who cares about mopping a floor or are you above earning your pay?

With so much conflict with management it appears your kind are not welcome here, just tolerated.

07-12-2009, 05:14 PM
Nice to see you have such a stellar work ethic. Its the reason this agency is frowned upon by others. YOUR kind are the ones who need to haul a$$. Majority of of those who hold this opinion are two toothed redneck white trash peices of shite. So, Mr. Dont rock the boat, sit on your fat arse at the side station, suck up the cold a/c, read a book, do everyting except police work and hold your head high knowing that you are sucking on the teet of "high risk" retirement while other are putting their life on the line and earning theirs. It is people like you who are responsible for OALE officers looking like a joke. So go crank up your weedeater and get to mowing.....douchebag!

PS.....TR's drawers, you know the ones with the skid marks that you took to the cleaners, need to be picked up.

07-12-2009, 07:39 PM
Nice to see you have such a stellar work ethic. Its the reason this agency is frowned upon by others. YOUR kind are the ones who need to haul a$$. Majority of of those who hold this opinion are two toothed redneck white trash peices of shite. So, Mr. Dont rock the boat, sit on your fat arse at the side station, suck up the cold a/c, read a book, do everyting except police work and hold your head high knowing that you are sucking on the teet of "high risk" retirement while other are putting their life on the line and earning theirs. It is people like you who are responsible for OALE officers looking like a joke. So go crank up your weedeater and get to mowing.....douchebag!

PS.....TR's drawers, you know the ones with the skid marks that you took to the cleaners, need to be picked up.

The vast majority here like it the way it is. "Sucking on the teet of "high risk" retirement" as you put it.

Is there a perfect agency in this state? One with no issues and all the employees are happy? Please tell me there is one?

Better yet, send out a poll to all bargaining unit members of this agency and get real feedback of how these officers feel and what they would like to see changed during the next administration. My money says the top three topics would be a pay raise, lower insurance rates for families and extend DROP cause thats all that really matters.

Wonder if the union would do that for you since they do little else.

07-12-2009, 11:52 PM
You think you have seen it all........ Glad to see that you are stupid enough to admit that you are a lazy sack of shite. Then to take the cake, want more for doing less. Not only are you a disgrace to this department but are the sole reason this country is in the shape its in. Proud to suck on the teet and admit that you do nothing and then ask why no pay raises, better long term health insurance and a longer DROP. You are a fraud and should not be allowed to wear a uniform nor have the public's trust.

You might want to take a trip to new Social Security Administration Office in Lake City and file for disability so you can get your SSI. Just tell them that years of sitting on your arse has finally worn you out and since you have been raping the State of Florida for years you just figured you would give the Federal System a try.

I will agree with you on one thing, no agency is perfect. Be glad that this one allows you to stay because no other would have you.

07-13-2009, 12:59 AM
Some people truly show their ignorance. Our Agency has no control over DROP, Insurance, and pay raises. That is all controlled at levels above them, in the House and Senate. Learn your political process.

I do not care about DROP as I am in the Investment Plan, and IMHO anyone who is in the Pension Plan is just plain STUPID.

I have no problem with my insurance, it is cheaper than what people in the private sector pay.

Pay Raises, yes I would like one but it is just not in the cards right now.

I want to see people in charge that are smart enough to use what we have in the proper manner. We should be busting at least one large load of dope or cash a week, not to mention stolen goods. I want someone with the balls to turn this Department into what it can and should be.Not just a bunch of slackers sponging off of the State and/or building their retirement.

Quit hiring retirees, they have retired from one job and are just looking for something to fill the void until they can collect SSI. Yes they have years of experience, if they would only choose to use it. Do not rehire people who retired from here, especially those with health problems and those that had a history of calling out sick the first time around. Do not hire sheriffs that failed in their reelection bid, they are just looking for a few years to finish out retirement and then they will be gone and we will have to train someone else. Wasteful.

Quit promoting butt suckers. most of them have no clue as to the full capabilities of our Department and just want to continue sponging off the State at a higher pay grade. If you want something to lead around on a leash get a dog. Promote people that want to move this Department forward, not the Roger Pittmans of the future. This Department will never go anywhere as long as you continue to promote these types.

Let's redo the chain of command so that is makes more sense and save money.

There should only be one Major, and that would be Bryan's job, the other Majors should be Captains, the Captains we have now should be Lieutenants and work day shift with a rotating on call for midnight shifts. With all the money saved I figure we should be able to put about 2 more officers on each interstate maybe more.

There should be a VACIS crew on duty at all times, or at least make it to where they are on call out for each interstate.

Get rid of these stupid veggie/meat sniffing dogs or cross train them to detect other things, dope, explosives, etc.. They can train a dog to scratch for one thing and sit for another.

Before some idiot brings up the potential harm to our administrative search authority, done correctly none of this will harm it. That was all a bunch of smoke blown by Roger to scare everybody into doing as he wanted. He is gone so deprogram yourself from this mindset. HE WAS FULL OF IT. No where in in Statue does it say we cannot have and do these things.

Rant off for now.

07-13-2009, 01:45 AM
We need outside speakers at the sides stations so we can talk to the drivers without getting in the heat. Since I'm retired and now working for my fishing and hunting money, I just hate getting out of my chair for an empty truck.

07-13-2009, 01:48 AM
You couldn't have said it any better! That is the way we should have our mindset.

07-13-2009, 01:50 AM
You couldn't have said it any better! That is the way we should have our mindset.

This reply is in reference to GUESTS' RANT.

07-13-2009, 11:30 AM
Some people truly show their ignorance. Our Agency has no control over DROP, Insurance, and pay raises. That is all controlled at levels above them, in the House and Senate. Learn your political process.

I do not care about DROP as I am in the Investment Plan, and IMHO anyone who is in the Pension Plan is just plain STUPID.

I have no problem with my insurance, it is cheaper than what people in the private sector pay.

Pay Raises, yes I would like one but it is just not in the cards right now.

I want to see people in charge that are smart enough to use what we have in the proper manner. We should be busting at least one large load of dope or cash a week, not to mention stolen goods. I want someone with the balls to turn this Department into what it can and should be.Not just a bunch of slackers sponging off of the State and/or building their retirement.

Quit hiring retirees, they have retired from one job and are just looking for something to fill the void until they can collect SSI. Yes they have years of experience, if they would only choose to use it. Do not rehire people who retired from here, especially those with health problems and those that had a history of calling out sick the first time around. Do not hire sheriffs that failed in their reelection bid, they are just looking for a few years to finish out retirement and then they will be gone and we will have to train someone else. Wasteful.

Quit promoting butt suckers. most of them have no clue as to the full capabilities of our Department and just want to continue sponging off the State at a higher pay grade. If you want something to lead around on a leash get a dog. Promote people that want to move this Department forward, not the Roger Pittmans of the future. This Department will never go anywhere as long as you continue to promote these types.

Let's redo the chain of command so that is makes more sense and save money.

There should only be one Major, and that would be Bryan's job, the other Majors should be Captains, the Captains we have now should be Lieutenants and work day shift with a rotating on call for midnight shifts. With all the money saved I figure we should be able to put about 2 more officers on each interstate maybe more.

There should be a VACIS crew on duty at all times, or at least make it to where they are on call out for each interstate.

Get rid of these stupid veggie/meat sniffing dogs or cross train them to detect other things, dope, explosives, etc.. They can train a dog to scratch for one thing and sit for another.

Before some idiot brings up the potential harm to our administrative search authority, done correctly none of this will harm it. That was all a bunch of smoke blown by Roger to scare everybody into doing as he wanted. He is gone so deprogram yourself from this mindset. HE WAS FULL OF IT. No where in in Statue does it say we cannot have and do these things.

Rant off for now.

Thank God, someone with some brains. You said it guest. Whoever you are I will vote for you when you run for commissioner...

07-13-2009, 11:55 AM
This agency would be a better place if the brass would come out and show a little support. What about a "hey, you guys are doing a good job" or "thanks for working your arse off in the heat on the 110 degree ramp". Instead of the usual driving past the ramp or through the ramp on your days off just to see if anybody is working, the occasional temper tantrums that occur about the trash cans not being emptied, and even more temper tantrums that occur about the floors not being mopped, watching Officers make a run to the local grease trap to get a bite to eat and then chew them out for being gone for 10 minutes when they take a 2 hour lunch break 20 miles away from their office. What a freaking joke, the brass has nothing better to do than that. They are always out to make an example out of someone. They also tend to forget where they came from. The childish one (you know who you are, Captain) will eventually throw a temper tantrum around the wrong person. Good things come to those who wait, I will just sit back, document everything and wait for the day. I could rant all day about the childish one but I will save it for another day, gotta have something to talk about...

07-13-2009, 10:19 PM
They should give us all take home cars, rifles, radar and drug dogs. Then we would be just like every other law enforcement agency and then...................

We would no longer be doing what we do and no longer be needed.

It would be the end.

07-14-2009, 12:18 AM
Bryan should be fired he is the cause of all this BS

07-14-2009, 02:28 PM
They should give us all take home cars, rifles, radar and drug dogs. Then we would be just like every other law enforcement agency and then...................

We would no longer be doing what we do and no longer be needed.

It would be the end.

Where have you been there and done that?

We can continue to do what we do while being a little more proactive in other areas. We can at least act on information given us by other agencies. No one here is asking for what you mentioned above, just to be allowed to do our job and deal with what may come without being forced to run like little children because someone is scared to actually do something when it presents itself other than agriculture.

It is ignorance such as yours that keeps this Department from being the shining jewel in Florida's cap that it should be.

FYI, dope is agriculture, it is grown, and it is illegal, therefore we are neglecting our duties to the State of Florida by failing to stop it from entering our State when it enters our stations. So if someone had information that there was possibly dope on a load of onions, tomatoes, whatever, and they failed to do their upmost to stop it from entering or leaving the State of Florida could they not be charged with failure to properly conduct their duties as a Law Enforcement Officer, what if a supervisor prevented them from doing their duties in light of the same information, could they be charged, should they? I say yes.

By God we will keep all of the uninspected tomatoes from leaving the State and throw somebody's butt in jail if they try, but dope... bring it on in.

My question is, is the brass of this Department stupid, lazy, ignorant, or........

Done properly other Departments would drown in their own jealousy of our's.

07-14-2009, 09:00 PM
Hingson prevented officers from checking a load of tomatoes that had possible drugs or contraband on board. That info was passed along from a Sheriffs department down south whose K9 hit on the truck and trailer. Hingson would not let anyone check the load.

Savy prevented officers from being able to fully inspect a load of onions that the department had info on with possible contraband in the load. Would not bring the VACIS truck to I-10. Later found out that the load had 1800 lbs of weed.

If that ain't agriculture I do not know what is.

Both should be charged with obstructing the duties of a LEO, or aiding in the commission of a felony by failing to do their sworn duties.

Yeah I am airing the dirty laundry, it seems to be the only way to get things fixed.

We are finally getting new batteries for our radios after airing it out on here. Somebody in the right places must be reading.

07-14-2009, 10:33 PM
If you would just do your job, the other stuff will fall in your lap.

Sounds to me like your wishing ag should be some super agency with people begging to go to work there.

It walks and talks like a duck, looks like a duck, but it aint no duck.