View Full Version : Update on Inter-Galactic War

06-26-2009, 04:54 AM
Fellow Officers..... Please I need your help. I have remained true to my word. I have been waiting at the Fire Swamps when the sun is highest in the sky and no one has shown up. I desperatly need your help. Lord Emperor Zuel has caught word that I am re-cruiting at the Fire Swamps and has sent both the Lygons and Mastadons to ambush me there. Therefore my new location will be in the Ice Caves of Arkadia. I will be there everyday when the sea is at its lowest and it aligns with the rays of the third moon. Please I desperatly need all of you officers to show up and help in the battle.

Just to inform you officers on the latest. Prince Hamelton and his army have defeated Darth Leige and his army of rouge trolls. They have been destroyed and are no longer a threat. Lord Emporer Zuel and his army of lygons have united with the Mastodons and have also united with the Moon Rats. They succesfully invaded Planet Zurtan and have now taken possesion of Galaxy 6 where they are holding the Village of Boltron captive. Boltranian King Zerkis is in grave danger.

Our numbers continue to diminish. Half of our Fairies and Pixies have been destroyed. Our Gnomes are too small to fight and The dragonites have left the battle along with The Pharonians. I went to the Enchanted forrest and was able to gain the help of the Mystic Wolves . But still this is not enough.

On a sadder note, my noble steed "Battlefox" was captured by the Lygons and a few of the remaining Rouge Trolls and was raped repeatedly to near death. Battlefox was able to escape barely clinging on to life and make it back to Galaxy 9 where she underwent emergency surgery. Battlefox is now paralyzed from the waist down and can no longer fly. But do not fear, I now ride on the back of "Ortho" the magical white bengal tiger.

In Conclusion, I have read most of your post and am saddened by all the ridicules made at me. This is not a joke and I am not crazy. The planet is in grave danger and we will all perish to Darth Leige if immediate action is not taken. Please my fellow brothers and sisters, join me and Prince Hamilton and together we can defeat Darth Leige and once again restore peace among the Galaxy.

May the Light of Zebulon be cast upon you all and cover you in its peace.

06-27-2009, 06:16 AM
Dear Intergalactic recruiter.
I enjoy much your posting. And as I read the narrative and the valuable information presented thereof, I cant resist the temptation to analyze its contain and to unpack its main ideas. I am not a mystic, but my imagination compels me perhaps to see beyond the simple characters and spaces of a given text.
I see that your message is delivered basically in a “story”. Whether factual or not, is another issue of its own. But I want to highlight some basic principles that, if handled appropriately, will result very edifying to all of us.
From my humble perspective, the main thing about “stories” (even of World History itself) is not “its Facts” but its “Principles”. Some People are very good at citing Historical facts, but fails when it comes to recognized its “Principles”. Those who handle History only paying attention to its mere “Facts”, I mean by only focusing in: names, places, dates, situations, ect…take the risk of losing the benefit of its “Principles”. Hence the phrase “Historical Lesson”, which is non other than the endeavor of meditating in History’s principles.
There is a great difference between two simple questions: “What happened?” and “What do we learn”. Now, allow me please to say this much: in your narrative, you have said what had happen, (you mention to us a lot of facts, name and places) let me share what we learn from it.

Brief Coments on Lord Valdomero Narrative
By Publius.

1. The Problem Stated: A Universe in Crisis.

You draw a Universe in Crisis. The failure of the different species to survived in peace, love and harmony. Disruption of order is everywhere. Galaxy against galaxy, kingdom against kingdom, violence, betrayal, mistrust. The universe has become a dangerous place. Very similar to what we homo sapiens experience here on planet Earth. But, you presented it in cosmic proportions. This is a projection of Humanity in a greater scale.

The French Philosopher Rene Descartes in his - Discourse on the Methods and Principles of Philosophy- said: “I think therefore I am”. He rationalized this way: thinking can’t be separated from being. He concluded that although you can doubt about many things in this life, the only thing that you can not doubt of is about your own existence. And even if you get to doubt about your own existence, the mere fact that you are thinking about it, tells you that you exist. And thus, thinking cant be separated from being. Since being precludes thinking.

Going back to your narrative, I will say that as an analogy, “being” cannot also be separated from “crisis”. You have stated this phenomenon very well. But wait, what is more, this statement is true “To be Human is to be born into a world of crisis”, what about this other one: “We are not just born into a world of crisis, we are the Crisis”! and as you describes this “Universal Crisis” this means that is a kind of crisis that goes beyond ourselves. The Scope or extend of this state of Chaos into which we are born, is really alarming. So any study of Homo sapiens becomes a study of “Crisis”. I think this is a honest approach to begin any account about our own existence, A Universe in Crisis, and you did it very well.

2. The Problem Defined: The Presence of Evil.

The real reason of why these galaxies are in so much need of help is not given. We only know that one entity is taking over another entity. But what is so, is no disclosed. You picture a world in war. The forces of good and the forces of evil. The old story of the oppressors vrs the oppressed. Sounds like a clash of social casts. The question remains: “Why does these creatures behaves like this”? The answer is the ambition of the creature! Said Karl Marx and Lenin. The Will to power! Cry out Frederick Nietzsche and Nicolo Machiaveli. The need for more Pleasures! yells Segismund Freud.

But maybe the reason for so much auto destructive behavior is more serious than what we all initially conceived. Maybe, all these problems are just symptomatic of the real Reason. Maybe, “Evil” does exist after all!

Your narrative doesn’t explains the “Presence of Evil”, it simply “Acknowledges” it. But it does something with this “Evil in the Universe”… it tries to deal with it! It strives to seek a solution. In fact. Your whole purpose in posting it is precisely to persuade us to combat “Evil”. Now, this is exactly what take us to the last two remaining points here.

3. The Problem Ignored: Out of Sight, Out of Mind.

There are two approaches in your narrative. One taken by you, which consist in actively engage in the actual battle. The other approach is that one taken by many, better said… by the majority, which consist in not to bother with the issue.
The question here is if Evil could be fought? And if it does, by what means? You seam to trust in the strategy of Prince Hamilton. I give you some credit for it. History Principles teaches us that the long battle of Homo Sapiens, against “Evil” is lost. The reason why? Maybe because we haven’t found the right means to fight Evil yet. We have created our own, man made, means to ends with all the homo sapiens calamities, but in turn, our best remedies have created more calamities instead!

It was though that it was civilization what would launch The Homo Sapiens to happiness, peace and harmony. Yes Civilization and all its paraphernalia will take the cavemen from the ignorance and darkness of its cave and placed him in a man made paradisiacal society! But the reality is that as “Civilization” moves forward, we find ourself closer and closer in another Cave! Perhaps a more lethal one, more discusting, a more dangerous! And closer to our own demised!

But you propose to Trust in the Strategy of Another One. One not of this world! The problem my friend is that most people don’t care any more. The comun homo sapiens live “out of sight, out of mind” in regard with the problem of “Evil”. They don’t only “Acknowledge” the new cave, they also “Enjoy it”.

4. The Problem’s Solution: A Plea for Help.

Your approach in your narrative to resolve this mess, is a Plea for Help! I also love that. If we homo sapiens during all the course of history have demonstrated to be incapable to create our own paradise, why not to ask for help?
If the solution is not in us? Where is it? How to deal with a Universe in Crisis? You propose in your narrative a ‘Plea for Help’! The question is ‘Whose help?’. No doubt we need the help of Someone greater than our mess. Greater than ourself. Someone Wiser than us. Someone more Powerful than us.

Well my friend don’t worry if they think that you have lost your mind with all these trivialities. Because now I am sure that they will also think that I am crazier than you for expending my time in thinking and adding my comments to your post. Lol lol lol

Thou shall not worry, because another history principle has being that the world have being conquered and taken by those who the rest considered ‘crazy’ and whose ideas were though of as ‘madness’! lol lol lol

Peace to you from