View Full Version : Tint Meter

05-31-2009, 07:13 PM
I recently bought my own tint meter (TM100). I was told they do not need to be calibrated, but the SO is telling me they do on a yearly basis. If they do, will the SO calibrate it for me for free since its not theirs. Any suggestions.


05-31-2009, 11:20 PM
It does need to be callibrated annually. I doubt the SO with pay for the callibration b/c it's your personal property.

12-04-2009, 11:37 PM
Unless your court system in your county requires calibration it does not need to be done. Just like the portable breath test instruments they are non evidential and do not need to be calibrated. All you have to show that it works in court with the provided test control coated glass provided. Like I said it all depends on your court system whether it be a judge or magistrate. It's only civil ie preponderance of the truth not beyond a reasonable doubt. The only instruments required under state law to be certified are radar, laser, speedometer, and intoxilyzer 8000. Hope this helps. As in all cases check with your chief division judge or whomever is in charge of your misdemeanor court division.