View Full Version : IPTM: Effective police budgeting (course)

12-17-2008, 03:49 PM
Can anyone from the Maitland area tell me if an IPTM course called effective police budgeting (http://www.iptm.org/psi/PsiDescriptions1.aspx?CourseNumber=034177) is worth taking? I'm thinking about signing up for the class, but would like some feedback from officers who've had experience with the presenters in this course. Any information is much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

12-20-2008, 12:58 PM
Sounds boring.

12-20-2008, 02:33 PM
I have not taken that particular course. However from my experience in attending several IPTM courses, including a 4 week Traffic Management and 1 week Police Executive Development Seminar, I feel that there is always something to be gained. By speaking with other participants, you hear about other ways that agencies do things that make sense and accomplish the same goal, but save time and effort and even money. Of course, I was fortunate enough to work at an agency that allowed me to implement some of these and guess what - they worked !!! Why re-invent the wheel if you don't need to.

In these times of a bad economy and tight budgets - I would think that this course would offer some ideas to help agencies prepare for the extremely tight fiscal times ahead. We are going to be expected to do much more with much less in the future.

My Thoughts.

To all LEO's, be safe and have a happy holiday season.