View Full Version : Scapecchi for Sheriff

08-27-2008, 02:46 PM
Now that the primary is over it is time to rally and make a push for Scapecchi. We've all got friends at the SO, some started their careers with us, some we've known from back in the day. We've heard them whisper, "anybody by McNesby" for two eletions now. Most of us were on the bubble about supporting Morgan last election. He has now showed his true colors, referring to the jail deaths as murders repeatedly. If they are murders the CO's are murderers, right? What a shitty thing to say to people in a department you want to run. A lot of good his education is there. He has also fabricated his experience, "rising through the ranks from patrolman to deputy chief". Folks, he was Air Force Security Police. Their main goal is SECURITY, not law enforcement. Their rank structure is totally different, the enlisted are the workers, the Officers, which is what he was, sit around and give orders that are spelled out for them in a manual. His military career was a good one, but it isn't what is printed on his web site. He has chosen people of questionable character to help with his campaign. There is no need for names, we have dealt with several of them on various occassions and know them well.
It is time for local law enforcement to change, we don't need any more politicians running our agencies. Morgan has shown he is nothing but a politician. For the last 8 years he has expressed interest in being the Counties Top Dog. Have you ever once seen him ride along with any local law enforcement to find out what the problems really are? NO, he listens to people complain, and then uses a text book for the answer. Has Morgan attended any mandatory or updated training? NO, he probably figures he learned everything he needs in college.
It is time for a "cop" to take charge and make positive changes for the LEO's to get the job done, not make it easier for the public to make our job harder. Just look at the sudden rise in violent crimes in the area. These are kids running around with guns! Sooner than later, an LEO is going to be forced to engage one of these kids. The public is going to be "outraged". Do you want a leader who is a politician and going to be swayed by the public or do you want a cop who is in law enforcement because it is in his blood standing behind you?

08-28-2008, 08:06 PM
It is time for local law enforcement to change

Nice try. But with Ronnie Mc endorsing your guy, what's the difference? You're exchanging one good ol boy for another. If they truly wanted change, they would go out on the limb like many of us have and help bring about change. Not flip-flop support like most of them did when Gary Willis lost (many of Larry's core supporters are the same bunch that stood behind Willis and right after he lost were kissing Ronnie Mc's a$$). We need someone who can manage people and resources and not waste them. We need someone who won't be afraid of making changes that will effect his buddy. We need to get away from electing people from within who replace one incompetent with another on the grounds of friendship.

I'm sure many of you have worked with or at least know Larry Scapecchi. I've worked with him and personally he's a nice guy. But this department is FUBAR because of its past leaders (for the lack of a better word) and it needs a good swift kick in the butt. Larry will be a fine leader once the department is put back on track. But he is not the man to make that sort of change. Not right now.

Sorry to impose on your board, but desperate pleas must be dealt with where ever they may occur

08-28-2008, 08:45 PM
Your plea would be better heard if you put your name on it. As far as we know, you are David Craig using the same tactics that Rex Blackburn did on the ECSO board. I have yet had a deputy tell me to my face they support Morgan, it has been the opposite. So remaining nameless carries no weight. McNesby is GONE! Now grow some and tell us who you are. That's one of the main problems you have at your agency, a bunch of followers and no leaders. Everyone hides behind anonymous postings like this one. Who has the endorsement of your PBA? Obviously the numbers have spoken, so David Craig say off this site!

08-28-2008, 11:30 PM
One Sheriff isn't going to fix the problems at the SO and a politician like Morgan will only make is worse. I have yet to hear him speak like a cop, just as a politician. Maybe this is why he won't speak to PPD Officers. With friends like Arety and Craig, he's scared to step foot in out department cause he knows he'll be asked questions he can't honestly answer.

You are only as good as the company you keep!!!! That's what happened to McNesby, it just took two terms for the residents to realize that.

09-01-2008, 02:18 AM
I just read on the ECSO site that Mike Amerson sold his soul and will be supporting Morgan. I have always thought of Amerson as a true law enforcement officer and this leaves me quite confused. I have been present when he has made fun of David Craig, he has made fun of our department because of the situation with Arety, PK and GS. I wonder what his intentions are. I guess a butter bar changes everything. I guess this is like when Darth Vader gave in and joined the dark side. Amerson just gave into everything he publicly laughed at and became one of them. Please think twice before you follow. Who knows what he was promised.

09-01-2008, 11:33 PM
I just read on the ECSO site that Mike Amerson sold his soul and will be supporting Morgan. I have always thought of Amerson as a true law enforcement officer and this leaves me quite confused.

You are only confused because you do not possess the information which Mike does. He will share this knowledge with if you will only call him.

As a wee lad I was afraid of the Boogeyman who lurked in a shadowy corner of my room. My father taught me this fear was unfounded and merely a figment of my own imagination.

David Morgan is not the Boogeyman. Call Mike and he will prove it to you.

09-02-2008, 02:48 PM
David Craig, what is this mysterious information? Shouldn't voters me made aware of it? Why would Morgan's campaign hide it? Nameless posts in support of Morgan have no validity. If you have a fact, put your name to it and let us know where you heard it. Most of us aren't the type to believe everything we hear.

09-02-2008, 05:49 PM
David Craig, what is this mysterious information? Shouldn't voters me made aware of it? Why would Morgan's campaign hide it? Nameless posts in support of Morgan have no validity. If you have a fact, put your name to it and let us know where you heard it. Most of us aren't the type to believe everything we hear.

Morgan has a questiobable background, surrounds himself with questionable people, and now is finding disgruntled ECSO employees and promising them the world to try and gain support. Sounds like another politician, not a leader!

09-05-2008, 01:30 AM
Amerson got onto the fast track because he and Rex were great friends, so they both had their heads up McNesby's ass. Morgan contacted Amerson after winning the primary and promised him captains bars. Mogan talks about the good ole boy system, well guess what, all the good ole boys that pushed for McNesby are now pushing for Morgan. So now the good ole boy system will still thrive under Morgan if he becomes Sheriff. Larry won't make any promises to anyone, unlike Morgan, he's willing to run an honest campaign without any false promises. Let's just sit back and watch as Morgan starts slinging mud and showing us what a politician he is and a leader he isn't.

Deputy Dooley
09-21-2008, 01:43 AM
I want you all to know that 90% of deputies support Larry SCapecchi. Belive it or not, the Sheriff's race effects you greatly.

If you value our opinion at all, vote Larry.

10-17-2008, 02:14 AM
As a deputy who has worked with your department on numerous occassions, I am asking that you support Scapecchi. I personally have nothing to gain by this request like advancement or recognition. Our department and the many good employees need some help in avoid Mr. Morgan's bid for the Sheriff's position. You should know that a number of the strongest McNesby supporters went to Morgan after the primary to improve their chances after Larry Scapecchi refused to promise anything but fairness. Those people are an extremely small part of the department. They have no ones interests in mind but their selfish efforts to gain rather than work for it. I am not a pretty speech maker, but your vote to support Larry Scapecchi is in the best interests of all of the LEO's in this area whether they are Local, State, or Federal. Thank you for your consideration.

10-18-2008, 04:26 AM
Every officer I know is voting for Scapecchi. :D

10-19-2008, 10:21 PM
Here is idea, politicians have driven the greatest country on earth into the ground! Morgan is nothing but a politician. Let's start taking law enforcement back from the liberals, put a cop in charge, **** politics!!!!

11-05-2008, 10:20 PM
Don't you guys get it...the fact that most of the deputies have supported Larry means that all you did was seal his fate. The PEOPLE of Escambia County wanted a change...if the current force supports Larry, then you guaranteed the outcome!!!

11-06-2008, 06:49 AM
Don't you guys get it...the fact that most of the deputies have supported Larry means that all you did was seal his fate. The PEOPLE of Escambia County wanted a change...if the current force supports Larry, then you guaranteed the outcome!!!

Head toward the Bluffs on Summit at about 75 mph. Ignore the light, and don't touch the brakes. Please ensure Morgan is in the car with you.

11-07-2008, 12:22 PM
What an outstanding reply from those that are to "serve and protect"...you guys are pathetic losers.

11-10-2008, 10:33 PM
I have come to the conclusion that most leos are messed up in the head. This LEO forum really is bad publicity for you guys. If people disagree with you...then just suggest that they take their life. I sure hope that you guys are not Pensacola's finest.

11-11-2008, 02:28 AM
Yes we are and yes we do have sick minds. God I love being a cop. I dont wish Morgan was dead though, just not Sheriff.