View Full Version : Kiddies with public ink

06-16-2008, 06:14 AM
I feel that those young ones with public ink are all about the coolness factor of having a tattoo. (I'm heavily tattooed and STILL haven't mastered being cool )

Its clear these people have not lived in the real world where money matters. Its not really as simple as getting a great big whopping tattoo and thinking that everyone will accept it. They won't, people judge all the time, and there is still a stigma about being heavily tattooed.

Those young people with public skin tattooed would have thought long and hard, done their research, and thought about life as a responsible family person before getting tattooed, they would already be thinking the tattooed persons thoughts and not rushing into it.

I dunno if that makes sense, I can't really word it how I want.

05-15-2009, 08:05 PM
I guess when you live in Arkansas you have nothing else to contemplate.