View Full Version : Lets give up the fight

05-26-2008, 10:21 PM
Somewhere in the forum, I read that the problems we face today at our agency are the same others faced before us many years ago and possibly the same that will be around when we are no longer here and have been replaced.

I agree that we should bring these issues to light, but what is it solving? Nothing. Again, these same issues were here long before and will be here long after.

So where did they start? Was it back with #1 saying he would push for minority promotion and minority hiring? Was it the unqualified promotions? Or did it start long before, and what can we do about it.

Some things are out of our control. A friend once said not to worry about what you can't control. It seems that the only ones who care about our problems/issues is us.

What is being done to correct or address our issues? Will #2 continue to attend briefings? I hadn't seen him in years, and thought he was no longer here.