View Full Version : What happened to that book?

04-11-2008, 09:10 PM
When Gerald started, he oked a "children's book" that I believe cost the Department $5,000 dollars? That was the figure that was thrown about at the time. It showed white cops wearing goatees and earings and sunglasses menacingly looking at kids.

Did we really spend $5,000 on this book (spearheaded by the former Lt. Crumity)? I think her friend was involved in this business venture.

Whatever happened to that book? Did we really spend money on a product that was never used? What happened to Precious Hands? Remember the program that was so important that we had to conduct presentations at the schools with four fellow officers? It was so important that a unit (Special Projects) was created. In fact, a Majors position was created for this all important unit that has a total of three people in it.

Is it wrong to ask?

04-11-2008, 10:47 PM
"The zone school major" oooohhhhhhhhhhhh

05-12-2008, 03:24 AM
so what happened to that book anyway? Anyone know?