View Full Version : Promotions

02-25-2008, 04:37 AM
its amazing how you earn a supervisor position and dont get it cause u didnt donate to the right man! Maybe i need to give $500.00 to the macster.....

02-25-2008, 06:17 AM
its amazing how you earn a supervisor position and dont get it cause u didnt donate to the right man! Maybe i need to give $500.00 to the macster.....

On what bizarre plain of existence do you live which causes you to believe that giving money to a rival candidate would ever benefit you while the incumbent is still in office?

Surely you aren't that stupid.

02-25-2008, 06:36 AM
$500 doesnt qualify you for a promotion.

You will need to to get $500 contributions from your spouse/significate others, children, brothers/sisters, parents, grandparents, inlaws, and a few friends.

About $2000 will get you noticed and $4000 should get you real consideration. A couple of letters to the editor praising the McIdiot will help cement the deal.

Veteran Deputy
02-25-2008, 11:51 AM
go to the Supervisors of Elections website and you will see that of the 15 or 16 promoted, 8 gave some form of campain contribution. That may not seem like alot but when there were almost 100 on the list, the numbers speak for themselves. Now we have (2) Sergeants in Civil, (2) Lieutenants in SRO and a few that that are plain worthless promotions since they were LAZY, INCOMPETENT and USELESS deputies in the first place. They fall in the category like the female Sgt in Training and the E/South Sgt who has his sleeves taken in too look buff. We all have seen this type of promotion for years and yet it never ends. The promises of "promote my daughter and I'll support you" is getting old and its an ethics violation in my book. Corruption, good ol boy politics and a** kissing gets you everything!