View Full Version : Union vote

02-20-2008, 05:43 PM
What happened to the anonymous vote? Ballots mailed to PD and turned in to supervisors is not very anoymous.
I don't think there were enough YES votes for the union to pass but I would have felt better about it not passing with a truly anonymous vote. Now we will never know how many voted NO because a supervisor was present and waiting on their ballot.

02-20-2008, 06:43 PM
I heard the same thing... Glad to see we work in a dictatorship.

02-20-2008, 09:18 PM
PERC has been informed and are going to be looking into it. I will keep you informed.

02-20-2008, 09:47 PM
Please keep us informed. I don't feel comftorable with the way this has been handled at all.

And with the latest rumors that BJ Broxton will be coming back very soon and Sparkman in the city council.... :shock: We need this union guys. We need the protection, we need the unity among officer's, and we need the chance to collectively bargain.

02-21-2008, 01:33 AM
What are you guys talking about? The letters were sent to the PD....the Sgt's handed them out. You could either complete yours and turn it in for them to ship or you could take it home and ship it yourself. I seriously doubt anyone had a sgt stand over the employees and point to the "No" box . . . . the union is not happening here. get over

02-21-2008, 11:50 AM
WOW.....Would the lies please stop. It is getting very old. First of all, the votes were sent to the station, using our work P.O. Box which is the same for everyone, because many officers were uncomfortable using our home addresses. The department was given a choice to send them our home address or our work address. I guess they felt giving out our work address was fine - it's a public record anyway. I thank the Department for that being one of the officers that have stood in line at City Hall, filling out documents in triplicate, battling to have my homestead erased from the books so John Q. Public can't go on-line and look it up. Then the ballots were handled out to to individuals addressed on the envelope by a supervisor to ensure the employee actually received one. END OF STORY. No other motive.

The offer was made to collect the SEALED ballot back (BTW the ballot was sealed in not one but TWO envelopes and since I don't think any of our supervisors have x-ray vision at last count I'm pretty sure they couldn't read the vote) to send to Tallahassee via certified mail. If you read the paperwork that came with the vote it stated if the inner envelope was opened prior to the reading of the vote in Tallahassee it would be negated. So I'm pretty comfortable that nobody later would be secretly "opening" and reading my vote. My understanding is all the votes turned in back at the department are going to be sent certified mail to Tallahassee to ensure they are received. Sounds good to me. I'm all about knowing my vote was received before the deadline without having to pay the cost of the certified mail myself.

No one "stood" over anyone's shoulder and watched them put a check mark in a little box on the vote. Most people grabbed their vote walked to a spot, ripped it open, put a check mark where they wanted it, sealed it up and turned it in because THEY WANTED THIS VOTE OVER WITH. It has been over 2 months since this whole thing started. We all have had plenty of time to figure out whether we were voting yes or no. I do know of at least two people who wanted to take their vote home because they wanted more time to think about it and they did. No one tried to make them vote on the spot.

Remember boys and girls we are law enforcement professionals. Every day we are asked to make decisions on the spot of whether we will be taking someone's ultimate right - the right to their freedom. That is a huge responsibility. If you cannot tell another person no matter what their rank at the department that you would feel more comfortable making a check mark on a box while wearing your pajamas, sitting on your couch, eating ice cream and watching American Idol because you feel it's your right to do so then maybe you should think about another profession. You whoop butt and take names all day in Delta zone but feel "uncomfortable" voting because someone is wearing a gold badge standing 200 ft away from you? Please. Saying the Sgt's pressured people while voting is a joke.

I hope PERC "looks" into it. It will give them a good laugh. Now I'm going to go back to my TIVOd American Idol....................

02-21-2008, 07:55 PM
The PBA was asked to have a secret vote like you would do on election day, but they said, "It would cost too much money", so they elected to have them sent to the station. Makes me wonder what else they think would cost them too much money when it comes to little old Plant City.

05-09-2008, 06:35 PM
Wow! are you guys still trying to get the union in at PCPD? Good luck!