View Full Version : Question

01-17-2008, 12:24 AM
i'm new and still on probation. this is a pretty neat site and i would like to say a few things but if i do and somebody knows its me can i get into trouble? so far i like the job but a lot of you dont seem to

01-17-2008, 01:07 AM
I'm going to let you in on a big secret. There are only 14 people who post on this site. Three of them don't even work here. It is great fun to stir things up and not have to reveal who they are. Remember when you were a kid and your dad would let you squirt lighter fluid on the charcoal? It was great, wasn't it? It gave you a sense of power over the charcoal. It's the same thing on an anonymous internet forum. I enjoy reading about the experiences of others and have come to appreciate the poetic license taken here. Take what you read here as ficton, not fact. We have a great bunch of people in ABT, and are truly fortunate to be here.

Do you have a foil hat yet? Instructions are available on the internet. I would go ahead and make one. Keep it in your desk, just in case.

Good Luck

01-17-2008, 01:46 PM
Go for it! There's this Bill of Rights thing. First Amendment, free & protected speech. Just don't yell "fire" in a movie theater when there is no fire.