View Full Version : LPD History- A Culture of Favoritism

11-20-2007, 09:08 PM
LPD has a historic culture of favoritsm and nepotism. All the way back to the 1950's and 1960's when black officers were not allowed south of North Drive (Memorial BLvd.) to arresting whites. Most of that form of partiality changed. What took its place was the favoritism that became part of the LPD culture, "The Families". Where family members and best friends got promoted or were given the "cushy" jobs.

Don Jones, Alexander, Sonny Sherritt and Ron Nenner, Sam Baca, and the latest Chief, each had their enclave of officers and supporters that denigraded or ran off anyone who opposed their families. Looking at the current upper management at LPD and you can see signs of the favoritism throughout. People who couldn't or wouldn't make it as street officers became adept at stepping on others, rattnig out fellow officers to make themselves look good, or just plain old suck ups

The history that became culture at LPD flourished because there are no checks and balances in place to stop the administration from doing pretty much whatever it wants. Take a look a what is sitting on the top.

Upper management has long ignored the troops in favor of their personal agendas, not just this administration but going back for years and years. It has become cultural for each top adminstrator to have his/her agenda that has nothing to do with how good a job officers do or how much equipment you can get.

You can go out there everyday and make hundreds of arrests and write hundreds of tickets and will anyone upstairs say, "Hey, great job". No, they will whine and complain about the complaints you generated making all those arrest. Why is that? It is because if the police department is doing to good a job, people will complain. Complaints make the adminstration have to get off their butts and explain why the officers are doing such a good job. They do not want to do that, explaining how arrests solve problems and take care of long term issues interferres with their agendas of becoming the next Chief or fluffing up a resume' for a Chief's job somewhere else. That is why they don't want hard chargers. You will never see a Chief like Joe Arpaio in Lakeland. Because a strong, no-nonsence Chief is the last thing the City of Lakeland wants. They want someone that will fall in line and do the minimum and no make waves.

Following the top 3 are the various Captains and Lieutenants that follow and worship each respective Assistant Chief or Chief. Some do it out of blind loyalty, others because they would never have made rank without that particular person. You have seen them making the stupidest decisions or writing someone up for doing their jobs. Ridiculas.

Finally you have the few that got promoted on their own and say it like it is. Lieutenants and some Sergeants that have been good street cops and take care of the troops first and themselves last.

LPD is a corrupt organization. Yes, LPD is a corrupt organization, but not the kind of corruption that you read about in the newspapers or see on TV. The corruption of personal agendas, power struggles within, and sense of the feeling that if you do not belong to any particular "family" you are out there alone. When you have senior adminstrators who allow favoritism and personal bias directly impact the officers in the field you have allowed a cancer to remain in the Department. Actually, by allowing that you are the cancer.

To all real street cops, you need to remember to CYA, document everything, write down everything. Keep personal records and remember that if you work there 30 years, there will be only one or two people that you can really trust and call your friend. Everyone else is an acquaintance, so be careful. There is more danger within the walls of LPD than outside of them on the street.

11-20-2007, 11:47 PM
i second that comment...

11-21-2007, 12:29 AM
The statement made about the officers "allowing the cancer" is not accurate. Officers did take a stand about 5 years ago when they voted in a union. It has not always made life comfortable for admin; at best its been an inconvenience and at worst the entrance of the union made a very strong statement to admin about the confidence level of the officers.

The face of admin will change drastically within the next couple of years with upcoming retirements. Perhaps it would be a good idea if the COL took another look "outside" when the time comes for a new chief to take the reigns.

It will never be a perfect world at LPD; one can only hope to contribute to make it a better place than what it is today; and it will be.

11-21-2007, 09:58 AM
Ahhhhhh ... sure am glad I don't work there!

11-21-2007, 08:53 PM
Actually Sparkie, they are the cancer. The culture of favoritism and the "families" has infiltrated the department for so long and so bad that it would take a complete revamping of everyone from Chief down to Captain and even some Lieutenants.

They you bring in a strong outside Chief, and not a wimp like Diamond was or hand holding and cocoa making like Baca. Someone that doesn't play the games of the previous and disregards everything from the old regimes. Sets his own standards and doesn't allow himself to be bought and sold.

They need to bring in a no bullshit strong personality that can rebuild LPD and totally eliminate the families.

11-22-2007, 10:28 PM
Well said. :P

12-12-2007, 03:49 PM
If LPD is so corrupt, so filled with favoritism, etc. why do you work here?

12-12-2007, 04:28 PM
If you think all departments don't have their cliques you are fooling yourself. Some of you started your law enforcement career with LPD and have not seen other departments in operation such as PCSO. The only difference is the Sheriff doesn't hide and do it. What he says goes and if you don't like it tuff, and he will tell you so, but happens just the same. Is it right...NO...but thats the fact.

12-12-2007, 07:08 PM
AND the reason most people stay at a place they do not like is because they want to get their pension...then it's just a bad a dream and a good paycheck!

12-13-2007, 05:19 AM
id rather work for someone who will come out and tell me/us how it is regardless of if we like it instead of waffling like a card house and letting his deputy chiefs run the department.
the deputy chiefs(crip,lil boy and malcolm x) cant manage their own areas in the department much less the entire department.

02-21-2008, 04:03 PM
If you think all departments don't have their cliques you are fooling yourself. Some of you started your law enforcement career with LPD and have not seen other departments in operation such as PCSO. The only difference is the Sheriff doesn't hide and do it. What he says goes and if you don't like it tuff, and he will tell you so, but happens just the same. Is it right...NO...but thats the fact.

02-21-2008, 04:11 PM
judd is a joke -- he has more blood on his hands than any of the others.
maby some day someone will get the gut to write a tell all book, yes 60 min will be down doing the story.

02-22-2008, 02:04 PM
I think Elsewhere is correct.

My smaller agency is the same way. The most important thing here is to be a city native. If you are then you are part of the family. There are a few exceptions that are adopted into the family.

Problem is that when a new chief came in 10 years ago he fell right into it. All the in place admin guys that were giving him advice were part of the family and they took care of their own.

If you are not a native and not in the family and you are doing a great job the family will say negative things about you and run you down. So no matter how good a job you do it does not reflect positively upon you. If you are a family member and screw up it is not mentioned or turned around. As the years go by and you see POSs get the high paying jobs, promotions, cushy assignments, your production gets less and less, THEN the natives point out how you don't do anything. It's tough to keep going.

We have a temporary chief in right now and he is doing a great job and we are a meritocracy.

My point is that even if LPD was to get a new chief things very possibly might not change at all. If your admin guys are still LPD family then that chief will hear info from those guys that they want him to hear and make his decisions based on that info.

I think it is just an aspect of any organization that is run by human beings. If you plan on being a career police officer and you want to make your pension and you are not in the family clique you might as well get used to it. Otherwise you will be stressed out and unhappy your entire careeer.