View Full Version : Officers Vs. Church?

11-09-2007, 02:21 AM
What are the feelings on the Sheriff, or their deputies being Ministers, Deacons, etc.., and lying to their perpetrators during interrogations, or promising them if they tell the truth, nothing will happen to them? Obviously these perps waived their Miranda rights and speak freely, many with only a 6 grade education, for they do not know any better. Most of these Perps are drug addicts and not your educated drug trafficker. My question is, how can men of the uniform conduct themselves this way in their interrogation techniques and then be church going Christians on Sunday as if they are the most honorable people representing our God, Jesus Christ? Here our Sheriff will go before the ministers ask the Churches to endorse his campaign, what is wrong with this practice?

11-09-2007, 12:03 PM
You have raised an excellent point here, it is a great moral issue. Many interrogators now use these tactics because it has been taught to them during their training at local and state academies. I have attended the "Reid Method Of Interview and Interrogation School" twice. They are experts in the field. Not one time did the instructors advocate lying to suspects. The best way to to bring out the truth from one who is being interrogated is to empathize with him. There is nothing wrong with a statement such as, "I can understand why you did what you did because these urges are in all of of us and it is one of the pressures we as men have to contend with, you are not abnormal." This is perfectly legitimate since you want the person to confide in you he has to be given an excuse for his perverted behavior. Now, If an interrogator says to the suspect, I know that you did it because we have strong evidence of it, we have witnesses who put you on the scene and we found a cigarette butt on the ground with your DNA, none of which is true, then the investigator has as big a problem as the suspect. Morally he is no better because he is a liar.

There are true Christians and then there are those who call themselves Christian, but embrace none of the Biblical principles. Since they are not truly Christian and are just putting on an act for society it does not bother them to lie. I once had a deputy who would say that some people will lie even if the truth sounds better. Unfortunately for us a great number of the people in society possess these same perverse qualities so they see nothing wrong in the fact that police officers lie all the time. We, you and I, know that they do. They routinely lie on the witness stand, they lie to suspects, and they lie to non-suspects, anything to make a case or to force their subjective will upon others. Their is a dearth of integrity today, entirely too many of our police officers do not possess integrity. Integrity means doing what is right regardless of the consequences. If being absolutely truthful will cause one to lose in court at least he can leave the courtroom with a clear conscience. I do not understand how some of the officers can live with themselves when they lie and cheat their way through life.

I never in my entire career asked a church to endorse my candidacy. I have give educational addresses to men's and women's fellowship groups, but never have I asked for their support for a campaign. The churches are wrong if they accede to such requests and endorse candidates. They are supposed to be tending to the spirtital needs of their parishners and preaching the Gospel message, and not playing politics.

So with police officers it is a matter of conscience, since many do not have well developed consciences that convict them when they lie and cheat we have a problem, I mean society has a problem, and we are witnessing the consequences of that problem on a daily basis.

11-09-2007, 10:12 PM
Evidently you support the criminal!

04-05-2008, 02:19 AM
Here our Sheriff will go before the ministers ask the Churches to endorse his campaign, what is wrong with this practice
he just took away there 501or 4 tax exempts status.

04-06-2008, 10:09 PM
Deception is frequently the only course left for a law enforcement officer during an interrogation as the courts have restricted other more agressive forms of interrogation (with good reason). Deception combined with empathy works most of the time if an initial rapport can be established with the subject of the interview. If you remove deception from the interview process, you may never get anywhere.

04-07-2008, 04:35 PM
Using religion, making promises or threats is taboo for interrogations. Remember case law looks at what the defendent's perception was. An interrogation without miranda usually gets surpressed.