View Full Version : Bye bye internet

09-11-2007, 11:06 PM
Funny that director MacGruder hasn't been able to get the MCT's working for 6 years but he can shut down the internet in a week and log everything we do...

09-12-2007, 03:34 AM
He thinks the internet is gone because he bought and installed a new program to block access. There are a couple of ways to bypass the new program and having a password to the new program isn't one of them.

Mac doesn't have a clue and neither do the rest of McNesby's cronies. Is anyone surprised?

Hey sheriff, how about hire some people and allow me to use the leave I hav earned?

09-26-2007, 07:47 AM
It's sad when they block the internet and you can't even get to sites that we NEED to do our jobs and look stuff up for the guys on the road... Then you have to fight with IS to get them to give access to things that are necessary...Apparently the high salaries don't buy common sense! Thanks goobers!!!! :evil: