View Full Version : Have a chance?

08-31-2007, 10:01 PM
Just a question for someone in the know at your agency. I was 1015'd for viol of a temp injunction last year. The charge was dropped. Is there a chance your agency would consider me or should I not waste my time? I have 9 years of LEO experience

08-19-2008, 04:21 AM
Just a question for someone in the know at your agency. I was 1015'd for viol of a temp injunction last year. The charge was dropped. Is there a chance your agency would consider me or should I not waste my time? I have 9 years of LEO experience

Nah, you ain't got a chance brotha

09-23-2008, 12:51 PM
Yeah, that's no problem. If I'm not mistaken, a couple P.D. & F.D. employees come to mind with DUI's & Domestic Batt....Ohh, I'm sorry! they got those AFTER they were hired. Yeah your screwed. If only that charge had come after you were a city employee. Sorry, my mistake. :?