View Full Version : Chief Timoney Corrupt?

08-27-2007, 07:29 PM
From: Police Patrol, Operations and Management by Charles D. Hale, 3rd Edition, Chapter 4, page 127....Police administrators must acknowledge that such temptations exist. They must also send a clear message to their subordinates and to the general public, through word and example, that absolute integrity is expected of each member of the police organization. Those who seek to undermine the integrity, by creating or tolerating corruptive influences, should be prosecuted. Those few officers who succumb to temptation should be severely punished, dismissed from the force and in extreme cases, criminally prosecuted. Walk the walk and talk the talk Chief.

08-27-2007, 08:23 PM
I believe he is and should be fired and replaced along with most of his top staff!
He has violated the law and D.O.'s so what will it take?????

08-27-2007, 08:50 PM
A grand jury is what is needed. Then let's see if PIO LT lies about the lease or not. If he told the Lt. it was leased, his words can never be trusted anywhere again. They never could be since he lied about F ing the cubans, but proof then, would be conclusive. And imagine if state law allowed news media to electronic recording of their conversations with PIO. Or better yet, made recording by PIO mandatory. But then of course, a damaging recording would have technical problems and not available.

08-27-2007, 09:22 PM
save your breath sept. 4 vote them out

08-27-2007, 09:23 PM
save your breath sept. 4 vote them out

08-27-2007, 11:44 PM
What's the big deal with Sept. 4th. We are all going to unite for a change, and vote NO on all this adm. bad people and them everything is going to change. No more Compstats, No more DIP's...Right NOTHING is going to change. A year from now the same people will be running this dept with the same or more of the same BS....Mark my words...If anything changes because of the little SUV incident or being untrulfull or the Sept.4 vote, I reveal my name and will walk with a cone on my head all over CDSS. :lol:

08-28-2007, 12:00 AM
By the way, this morning I heard an interesting radio program in which Ange Canzorcillo said that the Chief did nothing wrong and that he was present when the Chief gave his answer to the media and that CBS4 lied. He also said that they don't know why Armando or the FOP staff is doing this to the Chief when they were sooo humble before the contract. Oh also Canzorcillo said that he was going to get the Chief, Armando and himself to come to the program for a debate....The radio station was 98.3. it sounded like a setup to me....Can some one let the FOP know. :twisted:

08-28-2007, 04:27 PM
Manny Diaz, the noose around your ethically challenged police chief is tightening! CBS4 Gary Nelson just reported that former Miami Police Chief, Kenneth Harms has filed an Ethic Complaint with the State of Florida Ethics Commission. This action should bring to bear some serious consequences on the ethically impaired Timoney. It is a matter of when not if, Timoney resigns to avoid further disgrace or is forced to face the consequences of his venal ways!