View Full Version : Deleted Thread

08-23-2007, 05:39 PM
Who is dating who does not belong on here.

Mod 1

08-24-2007, 12:19 AM
Well, Mr. Moderator, I think this is crappy. This thread was not about who is dating who, it was about crappy officers that don't do thier job and are extremely lazy. The fact that these officers have done plenty of things to make the department get rid of them and hire more to see if they are lazy or not. Too many times department heads are too scared to fire someone because they are scared of the reprecusions. They are scared of a harrassment suit, or the NAACP. This is a country of free speach and everyday everyone is getting more and more scared to voice their opinion.
The very officers that are emailing you to delete the threads are in fact the ones posting most of the pointed deffense on here. they post something to try to get a dig at someone and when someone puts the truth up about them they cry to you. Don't feel bad though, they are just using you just as they have, and still do use others all around them. If the lazy, sorry, pieces of crap officers that don't do anything but cause drama and turmoil at the department would be fired by thier suppervisors when their behavior was brought to their attention, and not ignored, then there would be nobody on here bashing anyone. Get rid of the crappy and give someone else a chance. And if they are no good, get rid of them, that is why there is a years worth of probation. Why can't we get rid of them before they are locked in and they have to kill someone, commit domestic violence, or get caught bringing drugs to the jail? I am sorry moderator I am not trying to go off on you, the situation is frustrating because you are being used also and you don't even know them.

08-24-2007, 01:10 AM
Well, Mr. Moderator, I think this is crappy. This thread was not about who is dating who, it was about crappy officers that don't do thier job and are extremely lazy. The fact that these officers have done plenty of things to make the department get rid of them and hire more to see if they are lazy or not. Too many times department heads are too scared to fire someone because they are scared of the reprecusions. They are scared of a harrassment suit, or the NAACP. This is a country of free speach and everyday everyone is getting more and more scared to voice their opinion.
The very officers that are emailing you to delete the threads are in fact the ones posting most of the pointed deffense on here. they post something to try to get a dig at someone and when someone puts the truth up about them they cry to you. Don't feel bad though, they are just using you just as they have, and still do use others all around them. If the lazy, sorry, pieces of crap officers that don't do anything but cause drama and turmoil at the department would be fired by thier suppervisors when their behavior was brought to their attention, and not ignored, then there would be nobody on here bashing anyone. Get rid of the crappy and give someone else a chance. And if they are no good, get rid of them, that is why there is a years worth of probation. Why can't we get rid of them before they are locked in and they have to kill someone, commit domestic violence, or get caught bringing drugs to the jail? I am sorry moderator I am not trying to go off on you, the situation is frustrating because you are being used also and you don't even know them.

Those are things that should be discussed, but leave out the personal details. People's personal lives are not going to be discussed on here.

Mod 1

08-24-2007, 01:23 AM
Then would you agree that it would be ok for them to bring their personal lives to thier work? I have brought this to the attention of my supervisor and nothing has been done about it for over a year. I agree some of the earlier replies that it's not fair that we are paid the same to do the same job when the same job is not being done.
How can people be alowed to bash our sheriff and you haven't deleted it. When you say "people", what do you mean? "People" that email you and complain that the truth is being posted? Because if you meant all people then Sheriff Benton and Lt. Brown would also be included.
Just my thoughts, Thank you.

08-24-2007, 02:30 AM
Then would you agree that it would be ok for them to bring their personal lives to thier work?

I'm not going to get into the debate. All I am saying is that people's personal lives are not going to be discussed on here.

How can people be alowed to bash our sheriff and you haven't deleted it. When you say "people", what do you mean? "People" that email you and complain that the truth is being posted? Because if you meant all people then Sheriff Benton and Lt. Brown would also be included.
Just my thoughts, Thank you.

I am not the moderator of your board Mod 46 is. I am over all of the message boards and moderators and I don't have time to review all of the boards and posts. At times, I review boards that have my attention brought to them by numerous methods, sometimes, it is email complaints, other times, it is something blatant that I see.

If there are post that bash the sheriff or Lt AND are in violation of our Terms of Use, email Mod 46 with the Thread Title, along with the dated, time and user name of the post(s) in question. If you do not hear back from Mod 46 within 24-48 hours, or are not satisfied with their response, email me with either, their response, or forward me a copy of the email that you sent to them and let me know that you have not heard back. Mod 46 can be contacted at mod46@leoaffairs.com.

I do want to say that their is a difference between slamming/bashing a fellow deputy, and discussing issues with higher ranking people including the Sheriff that needs to be discussed.

Issues that that effect the work environment are welcome to be discussed, but please, let's leave out all this stuff about who's dating who.

Mod 1

By the way, I BAN people for using MOD anything in a user name. Mods are only assigned by me. In the future, please do not use Mod in a user name.
