View Full Version : Miami Herald

08-07-2007, 07:20 AM
Posted as a comment to a Herald Article:

Very True and a great article. Meanwhile at the Miami Police Department, rumors abound that Miami Police Commanders are following the lead of the Broward Sheriff's Office in changing the UCR coding of signals. For example, changing the signal of a robbery to that of a larceny, which is a lesser crime. This is designed to make it look like there are less robberies in the city than anywhere else. Additionally, Officers are constantly being mistreated in that they are commonly denied time off when needed and are expected to maintain quotas in arrests and traffic citations. In the Little Havana area of Miami, innocent men are often arrested for just walking down the street. Just being in the wrong place at the wrong time will warrant an arrest. There is no such thing as Civil Rights in that area. The real reason is that the chief, deputy chief and commanders receive bonuses at the end of the year and this is based on whether crime is down or not. The only to assure this is to make frivilous arrests. Many areas of the city are not being patrolled properly and the citizens protected because of these practices.

08-07-2007, 08:14 AM
its only a matter of time before people know the truth. I dear someone to do a break down of arrest in the city from patrol officers (not special units) but patrol and they will see are stats are smoke and mirrors of bad bad arrest. EVERY single agg panhandling arrest made by officers ill a fabricated lie they usually hold signs and never have the element of agg panhandling. Tresspassing officers arrest the homeless if they are at a gas station or sleeping under a no tresspassing sign. Without any warning they claim the sign is there warning.

O investigate operation diffrence where they select a day to arrest over 150+ people for doing these thing gor one day we are forced to violate civil rights it getting really really bad. We are understaffed and tjings are not looking to good

08-07-2007, 09:27 AM
its only a matter of time before people know the truth. I dear someone to do a break down of arrest in the city from patrol officers (not special units) but patrol and they will see are stats are smoke and mirrors of bad bad arrest. EVERY single agg panhandling arrest made by officers ill a fabricated lie they usually hold signs and never have the element of agg panhandling. Tresspassing officers arrest the homeless if they are at a gas station or sleeping under a no tresspassing sign. Without any warning they claim the sign is there warning.

O investigate operation diffrence where they select a day to arrest over 150+ people for doing these thing gor one day we are forced to violate civil rights it getting really really bad. We are understaffed and tjings are not looking to good

Nice.... I just hope that you two nut jobs understand that you had better have some proof to the allegations that you just spouted because when the Herald starts this story and the Feds come in to investigate, they WILL subpoena leoaffairs for your information and expect you to back up these claims.

And at the end of the day, it won't be the Commanders or Staff that take the fall for this, but the patrolman who changed the signal or falsified a report.

This is why we will always be the laughing stock of South Florida Law Enforcement. We cannot deal with our own messes internally. Instead we have a bunch of snitches who run to media every-time they get a little upset.

If you have specific information and you fail to come forward to the Feds or FDLE, then you are just as guilty as the Staff members that condone it.

08-07-2007, 11:43 AM
its only a matter of time before people know the truth. I dear someone to do a break down of arrest in the city from patrol officers (not special units) but patrol and they will see are stats are smoke and mirrors of bad bad arrest. EVERY single agg panhandling arrest made by officers ill a fabricated lie they usually hold signs and never have the element of agg panhandling. Tresspassing officers arrest the homeless if they are at a gas station or sleeping under a no tresspassing sign. Without any warning they claim the sign is there warning.

O investigate operation diffrence where they select a day to arrest over 150+ people for doing these thing gor one day we are forced to violate civil rights it getting really really bad. We are understaffed and tjings are not looking to good

True! But where at fault in the end we will lose are jobs cause we wrote the report now god forbid they see olivas arrest they might think the administration is nuts to let this go on. Isn't it illegal to get a personal gain from a bonus based on stats, its at least immoral.

Be warned everyone watch what you do now its your job at stake we all should know an investgation will probably happen. And I'd hate to be the one on the other side of the cars cage. Remeber Bso what happened to them adminstration kept there jobs and they got the shaft. We are the victims but the court doesnt see it that way. Make quility arrest or none at all police work is to protect and serve not make stats and arrest.

Remeber the water is boiling and things are about to get ugly
Nice.... I just hope that you two nut jobs understand that you had better have some proof to the allegations that you just spouted because when the Herald starts this story and the Feds come in to investigate, they WILL subpoena leoaffairs for your information and expect you to back up these claims.

And at the end of the day, it won't be the Commanders or Staff that take the fall for this, but the patrolman who changed the signal or falsified a report.

This is why we will always be the laughing stock of South Florida Law Enforcement. We cannot deal with our own messes internally. Instead we have a bunch of snitches who run to media every-time they get a little upset.

If you have specific information and you fail to come forward to the Feds or FDLE, then you are just as guilty as the Staff members that condone it.

04-28-2020, 09:26 PM
Still going on until this day.