View Full Version : Barry Kirscher

05-01-2007, 08:55 AM
In the Newspaper he said 18 deputies was to much.

Well What if the windows are tinted and intead of 1 there are 4 or 5 inside the car then what

according to kirscher a maximum of 4 deputies should have chased.

4 against 4 thats 4 not good odds

05-01-2007, 11:02 AM
I think that Kirshner should keep his beliefs of Police tactics to himself and just concentrate on the law. He has never been in a chase, shootout or anything where a decision "right now" has to be made. All of his decisions are carefully thought out in a sterile enviroment. That comment pissed me off when I read it. PBSO should put our prosecuters through force on force training using simunition rounds so they can see just how quickly things can get ugly when a bad guy decides to take on the cops. They fail to realize that we are not expendable, and we plan on going home every night. If it takes 280 rounds and 18 Deps to do that, then that is what will happen.

05-01-2007, 01:13 PM
I think that Kirshner should keep his beliefs of Police tactics to himself and just concentrate on the law. He has never been in a chase, shootout or anything where a decision "right now" has to be made. All of his decisions are carefully thought out in a sterile enviroment. That comment made me mad when I read it. PBSO should put our prosecuters through force on force training using simunition rounds so they can see just how quickly things can get ugly when a bad guy decides to take on the cops. They fail to realize that we are not expendable, and we plan on going home every night. If it takes 280 rounds and 18 Deps to do that, then that is what will happen.

I agree 100%. Just remember these post are generated by O so he can try to get a rise out of us. Pat has a personal vendetta against Bradshaw and just about everyone else who supports Bradshaw. Kirsner may be something but I'd rather see him as Sheriff than Pat.

05-02-2007, 07:58 AM
All Five arrived at the same time

In Yesterdays News

Been There, Done That
05-02-2007, 09:57 PM
So Barry, 18 is too many huh??? Wanna tell that to a deputy's spouse the next time we loose on of our own???? Its been a while since I heard of a SA getting killed in the line of duty.......although they technically ARE lawyers, and Shakespear said it best......

I see he STILL has the same mentality as when he direct filled on Vinny Tuzio and by-passed the grand jury back in the early 90s.......

05-11-2007, 03:23 AM
Krisher can't even get his lowest level attorneys like Mike to do their jobs and file decent cases. And he has the nerve to tell us how to be deputies? There is something very wrong with that picture.

Mr. Krisher should work for the Public Defender's office because his office lets more criminals go than actually convict.