View Full Version : Homeless in Pinellas

03-09-2007, 03:53 PM
I saw the news clip on Baynews9 about the homeless outreach. I almost fell off the couch. They showed a bunch of clips of the same dam field of bums. BUMS!!! Not poor homeless peoples who lost it all. Drunks who sit on their butts all day long drinking beer and smoking cigarettes. How come there were no shots of them passed out at 1pm on a piece of cardboard? And where was the shot of the 1000 beer cans they leave behind? Check on em at 8am and 2pm theyll be in the same dam spot.

If these bums were set up in the middle of Eastlake Woodlands you can bet that this crap would be taken care of right quick. But its the middle of Lealman so we'll just bandaid the real problem. No one wants bad press for doing their dam job.

Ask the hobos why they dont get a place and they ***** about money and it costs money to get a security deposit. well wheres ur cost now?!?!?!?! Its a bad credit card commercial:

Ten pounds of copper gets you +$25.00
Cardboard box for bed +$.00
Can of Sardines -$0.99
Four Pack of Steel Reserve Beer -$3.99
Leftover for savings account +21.02

Free trip to Boston Priceless :roll:

04-21-2007, 01:50 AM
We should coordinate an effort with the boxing commission to bring back the ancient Roman style gladiator fights so we can throw these dirtbags in the ring unarmed with lions, tigers, armed fighters etc. Could you imagine the money we could bring in if we sold tickets? People would come to our county from all over the world to watch! Our leaders aren't taking the constitution seriously anyway.