View Full Version : Caliberation

03-04-2007, 05:37 PM
Is it true that any radars that an agency uses must be caliberated every day before they are used?

03-04-2007, 07:11 PM
Not "calibrated" per say but to check that the calibration is still correct is what we do. Same with a laser. We don't do any tinkering around with anythings' calibration. We don't have the expertise or equipment for that and aren't supposed to. What we simply check everyday with a RADAR is that the unit is in proper working order by using tuning forks which we hold in front of each antenna which are a certain "speed" based on their design, length and width. The speed is engraved on each fork and will match what the radar tells you it is reading from it nearly ALL the time. It is simply simulating a car coming at you at a given speed.
We are required (all Florida officers ) to have the RADAR and LASER checked by a licensed technician once every six months using much more involved techniques that ensure one thing- simply that the RADAR and or LASER is still functioning correctly. They don't modify it or adjust anything or tinker with it either. They simply send it back with the proper paperwork that says it's still good to go. These things cost more than $4,000 each at least and as expected from this technology they work right for a long long time. We must send them out for testing every six months just because State of Florida administrative code 15B says that what we shall do so, not because they are un-reliable or faulty.
Radar is a lot more tricky for the operator because it is NOT target specific. It sends out a "cone shaped" beam that picks up all moving objects and the operator MUST decide which objects match visually what the radar is picking up. LASER is the bomb. Put the sight on a car, pull the trigger and you have that cars' speed and distance period. Drawback is you have to be standing still - not driving down the road or you just can't use a laser at all.
I have to take a breath now.

03-04-2007, 07:47 PM
That was a mouthful. Thank you for answering me. Sounds like a lot of fun...as long as you are not in front of the radar! :lol: