View Full Version : Kudos

01-30-2007, 01:38 PM
Good Day Ladies and Gentleman:

I must first applaud your professionalism on this website, as many of you who have traversed over to the DOC site for a good laugh would understand why I say this; if you haven't and you feel your agency is still that bad, I suggest you visit the DOC website. It's shameful, but please keep in mind that they do not represent the whole of our department.

I must also state once again how much I appreciate your agency and all of those who work within. Please take personal pride in knowing that there are those of us that believe that your agency is at the top of their class in this state.

With combined efforts from both agencies you do an excellent job at helping to keep our fine inhabitants of this county in line. I advise my people of the sixth sense you seem to have when it comes to probationer's and since some of them already know this it helps keep them in check.

I wanted to express my sincerest appreciation for all of those fine men and women that I know and those that I don't know yet and thank you for all of your hard work and dedication. Please always remember that even though the ones that you may want to see it do not; there are others that do. I sing praise for you in conversations because I know what I see and it is deserved.

Here's to a new year, be safe

Peeon :O)

01-30-2007, 05:22 PM
Thanks Peon for taking the time to write such kind words. I too am proud of the way CCSO conducts themselves both on the road and on this forum. It does speak volumes as to the quality of people we have working with us.

Stay safe also my friend :!:

02-20-2007, 05:27 PM
i agree with paradise and thank you. i never worked state prison just county jail. not the best of enviroments. i have a great appreciation for state c.o.'s. i believe your job in corrections has more hazards that county due to the fact that your contacts aree with those that are convicted and ours are still "innocent."

everyday i take pride in putting on the uniform, leo or co, doesn't matter. and don't read to much into the complaints you read here. every place you go there are people like them. my theory is, if you don't like it, go work somewhere else, or fix what you don't like.

stay safe brother.

02-20-2007, 05:29 PM
just for the record....i don't always agree with paradise......no offense

02-20-2007, 06:00 PM
None taken. I respect your opinion and professionalism.